
There should be a federal law requiring companies to send you a notice via email every time they deduct money from your account. Like, if you subscribed to a service ages ago and forgot about it, you should get a monthly heads up. ("Hey, we just took another $15 from you. Just FYI.")
That is perfectly sensible. The only people who'd would lose in that scenario are folks collecting free money, providing services you no longer want. Obviously it'll never fly.
In the olden times that was called a receipt. I wouldn't mind bringing those back.
I deal with this by losing my debit card every 9-12 months...
🤔 That's an idea. Hmm.
ADHD as financial superpower... 😁
And my credit card. Been there, done that, had the order for the t-shirt canceled.
Agreed. Especially if you obviously haven't used the service in a while. So many $15 monthly charges for that fateful time we said, "Oh, sure, let's do the free trial. We'll just cancel it before it renews." Fast forward a year and some $180 later...
I paid $10 a month to Scribd for several months because I couldn’t figure out what the deduction was from my bank account until my girlfriend sleuthed it out for me. So I stand with you.
They should send you a warning beforehand with instructions on how to opt out. I’m lucky that my credit card got hacked (!) so all the services I was auto on suddenly didn’t have a good CC number for me. Mixed blessings. ☘️
Why after? Why not send the notification a couple of days before? That way you could stop/cancel it before it charged.
This is actually a relatively recent requirement but it only applies to credit card transactions. I can’t remember, I think it’s MasterCard that requires a notification before a recurring charge is applied.
Rocket Money goes through and finds forgotten subscriptions etc., and gives you the option to cancel them. I don’t know if it’s a good company or how they make their money, but that’s what all their ads say.
Depending on what state you live in, they are required to do so…