
Joe Biden's pro-labor NLRB has been crucial to the ongoing rehabilitation of American organized labor, & it will not survive his defeat. If you need one reason to vote for him in November, let it be this
And you can also still voice where you disagree with him! That's fine! I do it sometimes too!
It is in fact critical that we voice our disagreement!
What I disagree with is him ratfucking the rail unions, where does that fit in?
“But what about breaking the railroad strike” remains undefeated as a shibboleth for unserious trolling from puerile dimwits
Fine, let's take that as read. You are right, I am wrong. What else is good about Biden that you can sell to people who have been stripped of the right to organize and, indeed, have been fed a steady diet of anti-worker propaganda to the point they think the unions are coming for their paychecks?
What else is good about Biden that you can present to people who understand Unions Are Good, Actually, but also understand there's nothing any union can do to halt and/or reverse climate change, especially in the face of democrats who cape for the oil industry as hard as republicans?
Good news: The world is making progress on climate change. Bad news: We are still far off where we need to be. Scientists say that the impacts of climate change at 2.7 degrees are significantly worse than 1.5 degrees. Every bit of warming matters. We need to do so much more!
Biden is the guy in government doing the most to restore their right to organize & help unions overcome that propaganda. He's kept unemployment low, wages rising from the bottom up, & worked to relieve debt, protect gig workers, etc. And he's done it without committing umpteen felonies.
Maybe, since you’ve just been shown something you deeply believed was actually deeply wrong, you should reevaluate your other deeply held beliefs that everyone else is also telling you are wrong.
Joe Biden ratfucked the national union rail strike Cry harder you capitalist scumbag
Yup, Lina Kahn at the FTC is another good reason. Not 99% bad like most presidents, just 80%, which is a huge improvement.
there are just so many reasons
oh yea that was wild to see 3 rules pop out of the White House in a few hours
“but tHE rAILroAD sTRike”
💛 Thank you to the NLRB and the auto union Those victories helped me have the confidence to ask for better pay for my labor.
Love being nonstop gaslit by my own fucking nation Nothing here excuses the anti-union president’s previous policies Guess he should’ve thought of the consequences of busting a union rail strike, and stabbing Amazon workers in the back before demanding a second term