
while i am at it, i don’t think it is necessarily true that a woman of color is predestined to lose a presidential election, but i think attempting it under these circumstances and in this time frame takes a bar that’s already higher than it has ever been and doubles it
Nominee Harris pleases maybe a third of the people who want Biden to step down
i'm against biden stepping down, it's too far as Harris goes her polling is due in part to the media again, but that being said she's great in debates & would tear Trump apart
if biden steps down & she's the choice he would have to
If I were him I'd declare her illegitimate, her candidacy undemocratic, & refuse to have a thing to do with her. Treat her as subhuman scum, & claim anyone who said I did it for inappropriate reasons is a woke race-baiter. The gameplan for Kamala is child's play. Trump wouldn't lose a step.
i feel like people are just completely ignoring who trump actually is and what he does and what we know he will do
again i find myself being driven mad by the fact that so few people are thinking even one step ahead
I've had that feeling persistently for about 9 years now
He's a "chaos agent" in the sense that his behavior is disconnected from any sort of norms of human behavior, but it's in the way a toddler is a "chaos agent" and, while the texture of the response will change, the broad strokes are pretty obvious.
i do not think it is wise to feed a chaos agent unprecedented chaos
they're just trying to be helpful
Yeah... I don't know why people constantly act like Trump is a rational actor who has any respect for norms.
We are being beaten about the head & shoulders by Murc's Law
And I also don't know that she would win the debate in any way that mattered; she'd get in some good zingers and he'd rant and rave and then nothing would change anyway.
Like the media would talk about how she 'won' the debate and also whether or not she was too mean, and nobody would care that Trump lied constantly then he'd have gained a point afterward.
Trump already has a line of attack against Harris, which is basically racism and sexism, including a sleeping to the top accusation. Whether it will work better than other attacks, IDK
i would do that as well and see if it stuck, but barring a change i’d also run a side by side of biden’s debate performances from 2020 and last week
or maybe i wouldn’t because i don’t need to pay for it now that i think about it