Regular Non-Seasonal Steve Cartwright

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Regular Non-Seasonal Steve Cartwright

Winner: Scotland's Most Best Face

Official alternate universe music critic.
Elon saw the Austin Princess and said "make it look like that"
The rare Leopard Toad spotted in the wild (A frog or toad on a path, spotted dark blackish green on a green/tan background)
You can't fool me, I know where you clipped this from
The Next Three Days Of The Condorman of La Mancha
A Few Good Men Of Honor Thy Father Of The Bride Of Frankenstein
Oh. Rams Line halt. Because Derby County are the Rams. It's a pun station.
Negative reviews for writing, direction, acting, and action sequences. That's the entire film. What's left? Catering trucks served ok food and not too many people got food poisoning?
I can stand here atop my bing and see at least four different wind farms, one of which is Whitelee which I think was at one point the biggest onshore wind farm in Europe. (Various photos of green bits of Scotland, the occasional houses, and distant wind turbines)
Can't imagine there being a next time, there being many other equally accessible Munros, but if I climb Ben Chabhair again I'm going to go a couple miles out of my way on the WHW and the farm track on the map and avoid that brutal first stretch of path. That said, totally worth it. Great day.
According to Sky the Lib Dems have 'one last stunt' ready for the end of the campaign
According to Sky, the LibDems have ‘one last stunt’ ready for the end of the campaign.
What are four films you don't just dislike, you despise 🎥 #Filmsky
What are four films you don't just dislike, you despise 🎥 #Filmsky
I don't know if this is helpful but I doubt anyone else will have a photo of an "honesty box" on the West Highland Way, somewhere away from home where you can get food
How's this? I try to go a hike once a week, here's me up Ben Lomond at the weekend eating in a place that's definitely away from home.
Heron spotted at the Heron Spot. (Zoomed out and zoomed in shot of a heron side on across a shallow river against a backdrop of trees)
Showing a little thigh and a lot of style up Ben Lomond yesterday. It was windy up there! I think the intent expression was me checking with the back marker to make sure everyone was counted.
I don't know if you're aware, but Jack Nicholson played the Joker in Michael Keaton's Batman Jack Nicholson was in The Shining, and oh look who's this? It's only James bloody Mason Got it in two, if we ignore him being on the set for a visit and not in the actual film
Hey here are some nice mushrooms for you. Lots of tiny little ones sprouting from a mossy log.
Another person who has this album? It's a hell of a good noise.
You're wrong my friend, but thank you for playing.
Well it ain't Mapo Tofu, because I'm using Korean Gochujang and normal chillies rather than Sichuan ones, but it's something spicy and interesting along those lines
It's a struggle meal. It's quick and easy to make and it's cheapish, it's got a non zero amount of nutrition in it, it'll get you by. You can pep it up with hot sauce for maximum excitement. Don't let's get all Mads Mikkelson about this
Bats! Hahaha yes! They do not photograph well on my phone camera so please accept this photo of trees, purple-grey sky, and a small blur in lieu of the several bats zooming around the place. Love those little guys!