
NEWS: SCOTUS will not immediately hear the case over Trump’s immunity claim in connection with the Jan. 6-related federal charges he faces in DC. The DC Circuit, however, has already expedited the appeal to be heard there in early January.
My take: This pushes things a bit, but the DC Circuit arguments are Jan. 9. That appeals court has been very quick in its resolution of these cases, so I imagine we’ll be back to SCOTUS by the end of January. Not what Smith wanted, but not a huge delay. (See also: No noted dissents.)
But, the appeals court can hear it and still drag their feet on issuing a ruling, right?
they could but why would they have set such a speedy calendar if that's their intention
I don't assume to know the minds of judges.
Ultimately depends on how long it takes Trump's team to appeal, but at least SCOTUS will be waiting for it so I would suspect their response when they get the appeal to be real quick.
This is my shocked face 😒
Is there any outcome to the DC Circuit that will not get appealed to SCOTUS? What a waste of time.
That's the point. Even a rushed Appellate court means that there is a good chance the SCOTUS won't even hear the case before the 2025 session. And if the trial is stayed until then...
Does this mean there’s no written dissents or that there won’t be written dissents?
One wonders who voted to deny cert ? 🙄
that RV--er I mean that train left the station long ago
on a related note, do you think that this CO case will expose 'the f*ederalists' for the intellectual frauds that they are?
They delayed it until the DC court of appeals rules on it. Which won't be until end of January. Then they get involved, stretch it out another 2-3 months. Trump gets 4-5 months out of it. Skillful assist, but expect experts to worship the wisdom of following precedent or something.
Hypothesis: SCOTUS hands Trump a defeat on the Colorado case (finding Trump ineligible under Disqualification Clause) and tells Trump to pursue tge remedy in the US Constitution (a 2/3 vote in Congress).
SCOTUS political rationale: 1. If the heat is on Congress to deal with Trump, it's not on SCOTUS. 2. It's actually being faithful to the Constitution. 3. If Congress declines to remove the disqualification on Trump, a bunch of legal problems will resolve themselves w/o going to SCOTUS.
#3 amplified: While prosecutors aren't totally indifferent to Trump's violations of the law, a significant motivation is to prevent Trump from being elected POTUS again. Once Trump is ineligible to be elected POTUS, cases can be resolved with guilty pleas.
That is Trump can plead guilty to something less than the top line charges. Trump can avoid prison. And the prosecutors can say they did their job.
Importantly (from SCOTUS' point of view), there won't be multiple Trump cases they have to rule on.
While Clarence Thomas & Samuel Alito may relish in trading "fuck you"s with their critics, John Roberts does not seek unnecessary conflict.
I.e. they are just letting the lower court handle it even though it's going to get appealed, good thing DC is expediting it. This does not mean SCOTUS will even take it up on appeal. I mean if they don't then DC Circuit opinion will stand
lol, wrong cert denied (and be legends)
Useful bit of context. Thank you.
Does this allow for other states to take matters into their own hands like CO?
I believe this is unrelated to the CO ballot issue. Jack Smith tried to get SCOTUS to rule immediately on whether Trump has immunity in the Jan 6 case, this ruling means instead it will need to go through the DC appeals Court before presumably coming back to SCOTUS, potentially delaying the trial.
He also doesn't not not have immunity, so full speed ahead I'd say. 🙂