Mark G

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Mark G

This one's ours, let's take another. Chicago. Came for the infrastructure and urban planning talk, staying for the other nonsense.
If it wasn't for all the wrong people suffering for this, I'd say "who the fuck cares:"
FYI- the government is set to shut down on Friday.
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One former member of an active club told Vice News last year that the group would slowly introduce extremist ideology to new members by making racist jokes and talking about stories in the news in which ethnic minorities attacked white people.
White supremacist fitness clubs are fat-shaming Trump supporters and plotting a race A network of white supremacist fitness clubs is spreading across the US, recruiting men to prepare for what they believe will be a race war.
Reposted byAvatar Mark G
BREAKING: 3,100 professors at Harvard University are forming a union as Harvard Academic Workers and are seeking to join UAW. This is the largest union filing of the years so far.
Reposted byAvatar Mark G
Looking at other countries....
Reposted byAvatar Mark G
This is really an extraordinary piece of work, not so much in that it proves Derek Chauvin killed George Floyd -- we already knew that, we saw it with our own eyes -- but a demonstration of how far dishonest people will go to confuse and deceive, and, sadly, how much effort it takes to undo that.
Reposted byAvatar Mark G
Reposted byAvatar Mark G
Reposted byAvatar Mark G
This sums it up perfectly. It’s not a conversation.
Reposted byAvatar Mark G
I'm growing increasingly concerned that this place is turning in Twitter, and not because the trolls/Nazis/etc are creeping in. It's because more and more of the posts I'm seeing are dunks and disses. What does dunking do to the dunkee? Do you think they'll feel shame, or change?
Reposted byAvatar Mark G
Has there ever been a single greater contribution to human longevity—not to mention newborn survival—than mass vaccination? Like, literally nothing comes even close, right? This is death-cult behavior here. It’s going to leave a staggering pile of bodies in its wake.
Thank you to everyone for your responses and, in particular to for sending the Youtube link to the Richmond speech. The link below starts right when Trump promises that he will ban all federal funding to any school that has any vaccine mandates. Measles, anyone?
Watch Donald Trump rally in Richmond: 'We are going to make a big play for Virginia' In Richmond, supporters started lining up Saturday morning for an evening rally at a downtown convention center. The entry lines stretched several blocks by ...
Reposted byAvatar Mark G
Reposted byAvatar Mark G
Any attempt to talk about ways in which Republicans are a uniquely dangerous strain of eliminationist fascism draws people rushing to tell me Dems are bad too, and 1) yes they are; 2) often this feels less like anti-fascism and more like deflection in defense of Republicans.
Reposted byAvatar Mark G
I do not believe even 15% of American voters really want this. But a good majority will not believe it’s actually at stake unless we tell them … a lot. Voters on both sides just don’t believe the republican agenda unless you tell them and show them again and again.
Somehow it never occurred to me that a major campaign issue for one of the national parties of the United States in 2024 would be general opposition to a triumph of modern medicine that saves something like 4 million lives worldwide every year and dramatically reduces childhood mortality.
It's tough. All that sleeping outside is damn tiring.
Big boy enjoying the unseasonably warm weather in Chicago.
Reposted byAvatar Mark G
A long shot but wtf. When I was photographing birds on the empty beach south of Barcelona's airport, this magnificent gentleman waved to me, pointed to himself, and immediately struck a pose. I fired off this frame, we shared a laugh from 50m, and went on our ways. I'd love to get it to him.
Reposted byAvatar Mark G
i don’t know how to get it across to people, but, like, what trump’s proposing for a second term is genuinely much more radical than anything any credible presidential candidate has ever proposed in any of our lives. that’s not hyperbole, it’s a statement of fact.
This would have been enough on its own not too long ago to kill someone’s campaign. Fuck all of this.
Reposted byAvatar Mark G
When Ilhan Omar said that this is their lobbying strategy people told her to go back to Africa
It’s a profound crisis of democracy when AIPAC can dictate the outcome of Democratic primaries at a time when 50% if Democrats think Israel is engaged in genocide.
AIPAC uncorks $100 million war chest to sink progressive Building on a successful playbook from 2022, AIPAC and other aligned groups are picking their targets — many more of them this time.
Reposted byAvatar Mark G
This is your page one above-the-fold story. A party platform that chooses not only to ignore, but also punish, well-established and effective public health policy.
Thank you to everyone for your responses and, in particular to for sending the Youtube link to the Richmond speech. The link below starts right when Trump promises that he will ban all federal funding to any school that has any vaccine mandates. Measles, anyone?
Watch Donald Trump rally in Richmond: 'We are going to make a big play for Virginia' In Richmond, supporters started lining up Saturday morning for an evening rally at a downtown convention center. The entry lines stretched several blocks by ...
Reposted byAvatar Mark G
Signs you might be a far right authoritarian party (#2631):
Thank you to everyone for your responses and, in particular to for sending the Youtube link to the Richmond speech. The link below starts right when Trump promises that he will ban all federal funding to any school that has any vaccine mandates. Measles, anyone?
Watch Donald Trump rally in Richmond: 'We are going to make a big play for Virginia' In Richmond, supporters started lining up Saturday morning for an evening rally at a downtown convention center. The entry lines stretched several blocks by ...
Reposted byAvatar Mark G
Reposted byAvatar Mark G