Christine Louise

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Christine Louise

Truth teller, animal lover, art and photography lover and informed voter.
Ohioan here. I am stunned Senator Brown did this. He is my Senator too and I have donated. I can’t believe he did this. 😡
I left Twitter as soon as Musk took over. While many thought him to be a genius I saw a narcissist madman.
Oh but you are, without them he would be NOTHING. He knows exactly how to play them to get his photo ops and message across. The media is his oxygen for his dumpster fire. Take it away and the fire dies.
As an Independent of 40+ years I have always vetted the candidates and voted on the person. I have voted straight blue for a long time. I have now given up on the Dem party to save our country. They are completely dysfunctional. It is up to us, the voters to save our country. #VoteBlueNoMatterWho
I am doing this!
There is something you can do. Right now, the media is aiming to keep us in a state of alarm. For ratings. The polls have not measurably moved. You already know your vote. Unplug and let the media giants squawk in an empty room. Maybe if they lost their ratings, they might actually do news again.
Happy Birthday to your cousin! 🎂🍰 My Great Aunt lived to 104 1/2. She was very sharp right to the end.
They are fake Christians. Just like they do all their racist crap and wrap it in a flag and scream America First, they take their hatefulness and Bible thump and call themselves Christians.
Republican strategy: Divide and Conquer
I agree. They want everything immediately and that isn’t possible. I consider myself a progressive, I am also an Independent but I apparently don’t pass the progressive’s purity test because I don’t agree with EVERYTHING they want or how they want to get it.
Vance knows he would be shredded by Kamala.
And where is your source for this? 🙄
Ohioan here. I could tell you all about him too but in a word he is scum.
Uh yeah I don’t see it happening. If he was ‘“resigned” he would have done it already. He knows every minute counts for a new nominee to get a foothold this close to the election.
That isn’t an answer. You have absolutely no idea whether my theory is correct or not. Neither do I. It’s just your opinion based on your bias.
Yep! I did local government statistical work and it sickened me how the “results” were skewed to fit their agendas. So much so I quit that job.
My sister had symptoms and knew she was exposed to COVID yet her test was negative when her symptoms first appeared. She didn’t test again for another 12 days after still having symptoms. She blamed it on her asthma. She wasn’t thinking straight. She is a BSN and knows better.
President Biden has COVID. Could it be that when he was tested before the debate it was too soon to show a positive result? That could explain the confusion, lack of energy etc he showed at the debate. Same thing happened to my sister. She had symptoms tested neg than 2 weeks later positive. 🤔
I think they will fund the government or what is left of it after they chopped it to pieces by taxing the middle class to death. Just like kings and dictators do.
I have lost all respect for him.
Thank you and your team! You are the only ones keeping me sane right now.
I am furious! I can’t understand why he thought this was helpful AND wouldn’t leak. Maybe he wanted it to
When Trump is gone there are many, many others ready to step into his shoes. JD Vance is one of them. Once they have power they won’t let it go.
Doing my part. Writing out 200 postcards to Ohio Dem and Independent voters to get them to the polls!
I am not watching that cult either.