
I guess it's easier to say this if you're not from a demographic the party leader thinks have too many rights and wants to chat amicably with people who want you locked up for existing
There seem to be a lot of sneering men who are very pleased to have their centrist daddy back
I'm guessing David Quantick has never had to worry about getting arrested for urinating in a public restroom...
So first he deleted his post then reposted it to get rid of the comments, then he turned off replies to the second one because he didn't like the comments. Can't help but feel there's some sort of irony there.
You know what? I wasn't going to vote, but if this is their attitude toward socialism I have to, even if it's ultimately pointless.
Flashback to very early bsky when someone was screenshotting a post I made here about his terf-adjacency to go tattle to the melt himself
He sailed very close to Linehan-ism at one point too – making snide comments about trans people, pro-JKR posts, etc but seems to have backed down. To think this was once Steven Wells' writing partner. Wrong kid died.
He "backed down" the way all centrist men do - didn't like the public push back, so went quiet.
People often point out that Linehan apologised for the transphobia in the IT Crowd, but lately I think he resented feeling obliged to do so in order to be accepted into left Twitter circles. These centrist men have a constant fear/sense that they're losing power.
Yup. Centrist men are actually the biggest political danger for minorities. Because they don't actually believe anything. They just go wherever the Overton tells them their opinion is The Right One, and will pretty much say anything for the approval of their peers.
Had run-ins with him on Twitter, back when it was Twitter, horrific smug twat
Yes I have a memory of him too. 🤮
Find him to be The Most Insufferable Man in England and there is some incredibly strong competition for that title.
Just found out I got blocked by the illustrious Mr. Quantick earlier. Guess it's National Mummy Didn't Make My Social Media Replies The Way I Wanted Them Day
Alexa, what's the centrist equivalent to 'let them eat cake'?
Didn’t old mate campaign against Corbyn?
Today is national: My team is Labour vote for them or I'll call you bad day. These people are so completely committed to politics as sport it's extremely frustrating but also wildly pathetic.