
i am begging like 10,000 of you to learn how to co-exist with people and things you dislike without constantly treating them like ontological and existential evils
the vibes on here are so rancid lately they make my tumblr inbox seem bright and hopeful
its fine to dislike people and things! i do too. everyone does. i promise it doesnt have to be a critical part of your personality and philosophy, though
i find its best to discuss any and all personal beefs through the language of social justice and a humanities degree. i dont dislike 'people,' but 'people' are colonizers that i am trying to deplatform because of the ongoing Harm they pose to the Community
don't forget to call them Feds. then you don't have to treat them like a human being
remember tho if its people are being to someone cool that i like then they're committing social murder. remember the flow chart is my friend=>[no]=>a Danger to the Community is my friend=>[yes]=>you guys are all committing Social Murder against the smolest bean
i can't even laugh bc its not even a joke, its just how these things go every single time. also check ur discord lmao
And of course, anything that's actually serious IRL is just ammunition for your beefs
I do think this is where the rubber often means the road here, to break the bit for a minute; since everything gets collapsed onto equal footing, anything that's real and violent and scary just becomes eagerly pursued and publicized.
[mfa voice] people arent people silly, they're✨experiences✨
I was called a danger to the queer community online for having sympathy and forgiveness for democrats who write poor legislation the same day I later attended pride.
Star you are on fire today, must be all the Poasters Energy built up over the week being released at once
Who has the time and energy to hate things and people?
apparently like 10000 people on this website lmao
This is why I’ve given up on hating things unless they’re actually important. Like fascists, tankies, and other weirdo authoritarian fucks? Yeah, I’ll hate them. But, like, anything short of that? What’s the point?
Since 2016, I’ve tried to make an honest effort to let people enjoy things. There’s so much more important things to dislike people over, and their non-problematic interests aren’t one of them. You like Nickelback and Forsaken on N64? Not for me, but rock on.
And I'm the same way, like what you like, dislike what you dislike, we can all live But the feckers turned up on my doorstep with their shit takes. It's no longer I come across something bad, they volunteer their dogshit views. For free. Under my own tweets
I come from a long line of haters. Takes no energy, just instinct
Especially on a platform that provides you with the tools to completely nuke those people out of your view entirely. Don't like it? Block or mute. Wow, now you don't have to see it anymore. At this point I only find people complaining about the discourse instead of the actual discourse in my feeds.
I bet it’s not even 2,000 people based on the number-of-posts breakdown numbers someone was posting the other day