
I have so many questions for the poor, uncomfortable cishet male “friend” JKR was very much sexually harassing in that story EVEN IN HER OWN WORDS you come away with a clear sense that a man was stunned into silence by the horrifying shrieks of a harpy he did nothing to encourage or engage
“he had no comeback, therefore I win” is such Troll Logic and you sort of expect it on Twitter but can you IMAGINE having it happen in real life when you’re just like, standing near the punch bowl at a charity gala and JKR corners you just to yell “PENIS” at the top of her lungs in a public place
People really need to get more comfortable saying "what the fuck are you even talking about?!" and giving other people the ol' cut direct, but I strongly suspect the secret sauce here is JKR was talking to someone who works for her in some way, not a "friend."
I wondered about that you come away from this anecdote with a STRONG sense of “this person is not allowed to be rude to my face without considerable risk to himself but he is REALLY doing the math on that right now”
He is looking for anybody to dump her on so he can run away
Not to disagree, but ALSO I feel like this is the story she would tell if that poor guy had said “this is wildly inappropriate, you should not talk to me about it.” That’s nearly what the last sentence of her post says!!
Yep, that's the point he realized no salvation was coming and went for the hail mary play
Does she have friends, or only lackeys?
I would start to cry I think. I'd be so embarrassed!
I'd be even more worried if she were brandishing one of those fake wands they sell at Diagon Alley in the Universal Orlando park.
Transphobia truly melts peoples brains. They think they’re making totally reasonable points even while someone is quite obviously horrified by what they’re saying.
right like you would understand a version of the story where she clearly put words in his mouth to be like “wow Joanne you are so wise and right”, but it is BANANAS that this is the version she thinks comes off as exculpatory
Oh yeah, it was way too bonkers to be made up. She was truly proud of herself.
Terfs, forcibly making people think about penises in conversations that have nothing to do with penises: IT IS THE TRANSES WHO ARE ALWAYS STICKING PENISES EVERYWHERE, INNIT
She doesn't even call him a friend! "A lefty straight man I know." He's just some guy!! And she thought it would be totally normal to casually strike up a conversation about "penised lesbians" and ask him what his friends' kinks are.
“a man who wasn’t able to flee in time after he saw me headed towards him”
Can you imagine being cornered at a party with her? Shudder to think!
i didn't read this piece, but i did read the one where she said she probably would've transitioned as a young person if she'd had the option… in her own words, black & white, not subtext or implication. she clearly can't read her own writing
When you’re a billionaire they just let you do it.
I don't know what the context is here and I'm almost too horrified to ask.
Rowling made a man wildly uncomfortable by talking at him about her weird ideas about sexuality but posted about it as if he were the weirdo
I'm pretty convinced he's working for her, what she describes is some pure unhinged michael scott moment
It reads like a fantasy of a conversation.
it either totally happened and it's bonkers, or it's completely fabricated and it's bonkers
It had such "Midnight Society" vibes, how is it real? Yikes.
Could you say what/where the story is, for those of us who are more clueless?
Here is a screenshot:
Sorry wouldn’t normally put her on the timeline but this might be the most insane thing j k rowlings ever written
Ohhh THIS is what people have been parodying. I feel more sane now, but also more depressed.
Gods she really just thinks about only this all day every day doesn’t she?!