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I do webcomics for a living & I love it (they/she/he)
💛 gay&sweet: (finished)
👿 quests&demons: (hiatus)
🐛 queer&bugs: (ongoing)
🔥 harlivy smut:
contact: [email protected]
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Je pense qu'il faut célébrer la plus belle victoire de ce soir : On a vraiment, mais alors vraiment fait chier Macron. Il aurait fêter une victoire RN, c'était son espoir, ses meilleurs alliés. Là, il va vraiment pleurer. Et ça, c'est beau.
Oh my fucking god we did it The left did it!! France isnt a fascist country!!! #nfp #nouveaufrontpopulaire #frenchpolitics
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yes, we boiled the planet, but it was worth it to make a machine that, instead of adding two plus two, takes the statistical average of every answer to questions containing "what" "is" "two" and "plus" from a database of illegal cell phone transcripts and returns a fake nude pic of a high schooler
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I still think this and I try to keep it in mind even while 80% of my feed is people expressing outrage and vitriol at anyone who isn’t wholeheartedly promoting some specific opinion about the best path forward for the world
I really do believe that most people are basically good, mean well, and want to have a positive impact on the world
Hot dang, it's been a while since someone's sent me a Guldendraak photo!! Haha 💙 Other beers she drank: Cuvée des Trolls, Chimay Bleue, la Chouffe, Carolus Tripel... wow, so excited to finally taste Gulden. Any other characters you'd recommend while I'm in Amsterdam? What did Roomie drink before she quit?
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Passage rapide sur BlueSky pour partager les dernières nouvelles de Procrastination et l'engagement de la Charte des auteurs jeunesse contre l'extrême-droite. Dimanche on vote contre le RN. On tient bon, et on garde espoir !
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Putain mais faut les enclencher là c'est plus possible ILS MENACENT DES ENFANTS ET DES MAMANS DEVANT LEUR ÉCOLE ?! Vous allez faire du "nettoyage" ?! MAIS ÇA VA PAS LA TÊTE !! Vous voyez pourquoi on a BESOIN de l'action antifa et de gens comme Raphaël Arnault pour nous défendre ?
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Micro Comic Reminder!!
It's time again for Micro Comic Summer!! ☀️😎 This is a webcomic challenge focused on sustainable art practices, story craft, and art exploration! Share your 4-page comic on August 31 with the tag #MicroComicSummer
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We report: there was a mosquito in our room last night. We never managed to see it, but the sound kept us awake for much longer than we would have liked. When the sky started brightening, we almost started crying with relief, until we realised we had not gotten any sleep yet.
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Jordan Bardella a peur de débattre avec une femme. Jordan Bardella a peur de débattre avec une femme. Jordan Bardella a peur de débattre avec une femme. Jordan Bardella a peur de débattre avec une femme. Jordan Bardella a peur de débattre avec une femme. (à RT sans retenue) 💚❤️
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Ils n'arrivent également pas à comprendre que beaucoup de gens ne votent pas pour le FN à cause de son programme. Que celui-ci marche ou non n'a aucune forme d'importance.
Le problème c'est que les centristes pensent que dès qu'un gouvernement FN arrivera au pouvoir, le Réel s'imposera à eux immédiatement et leurs électeurs diront "Oh non, zut alors, bon ben tant pis" et retourneront vers des partis raisonnables.
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Législatives 2024 : Les chevaliers du Ni-Ni #legislatives2024 #NiNi Pour soutenir la lutte dessinée : ▶️
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This is really great news considering so many of the other major game companies jumped on board the genAI hype train. Once more companies like Nintendo start refusing it, we could hit a turning point.
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given the current political realities, i feel like i should make art that is gayer
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Some #criticalrole fanarts I did a while ago (of the Bell's Hells gang!) Is it Thursday yet? 🎲
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It's #WebcomicDay! I started doing webcomics back in 2010 w/ Go Get a Roomie! A fun & very queer comic centered around a couple of friends (with benefit) on a journey of self-discovery 💛 10 years and +1,444 comic strips, this comic will always hold a special place in my heart 🍑
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Revisiting some characters of mine... :)
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Ça va trop loin le wokisme qui veut transformer notre belle langue avec des mots qui existent même pas
Je propose audacieusement qu’on remplace l’expression « contre-vérité » par un nouveau mot que je viens de créer : « mensonge ».
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As well-meaning publishers try to navigate the coming storm of state laws against diversity, I hope they'll consider Timothy Snyder's Rule #1 (from his slim book ON TYRANNY).
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the thing about a right wing revolution is they have no actual view for the future. they just hate the left and are so angry it makes them horny to eradicate an enemy. it’s a repugnant moral sickness with no real end game. the anger persists beyond any possible “victory” it’s endless anger and pain
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
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You do art? I love you for it. It's a gift for the world!
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Check out my #webcomic: Little Tiny Things 🌱 It's got gays, it's got bugs, and it's got a real mean ol' lady! Read it in 🇬🇧 or in 🇫🇷!!
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I know, I'm (re)posting a lot of french talk lately, and I don't even know how much of my followers here are French (maybe 5%, maybe 1% maybe 35% WHO KNOWS) but I'm too caught up in horrible politics going on these days and I hope the sky clears up after the 7th of July......