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I do webcomics for a living & I love it (they/she/he)
💛 gay&sweet: (finished)
👿 quests&demons: (hiatus)
🐛 queer&bugs: (ongoing)
🔥 harlivy smut:
contact: [email protected]
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Newly emerged glossy thick leaves.. they always look so delicious! (Although I have a vague suspicion that they don’t taste great.)
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The problem with "where have you been" responses to people's rising political concerns is that we should be encouraging people to become politically active rather than scolding them upon their arrival.
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A lot of people are choosing to look away right now in the face of something that is making Doctors Without Borders say things like this
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Anyone still ordering at Sticker Mule? Don’t!
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This is a really good time if you're not already connected to local groups and organizations organizing around particular issues to find ones in your communities that could use your talents and skills.
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🌪️ PSA: A tornado WATCH means a tornado may be forming soon and you should prepare, whereas a tornado WARNING means it’s here and you need to take cover *now.* To help remember the difference: if it’s a tornado WATCH, you’ve got TIME ⌚️
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Nous sommes contre la violence politique et c'est pourquoi nous proposons un armement massif des forces de police, l'envoie systématique de CRS pour matraquer et arroser de lacrymos les manifestations de gauche, la criminalisation des révoltés, des jugements express dont nous vanterons la sévérité
J’adore les gens qui disent "il faut pas de violence en politique" mais pour qui bizarrement les gens qui veulent remettre en cause ton droit à exister et t’exterminer, mais en toute politesse, c’est jamais violent
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there is an emergency shortage of esims, we offer thank you art in appreciation for keeping families in touch, but more importantly, these esims do not last long.
Help the urgent need for families to reconnect by purchasing e-sims using this guide and receive thank you art from a co-op member. details:
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Life is imminent
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*whispers* never give publishers any share of film & TV rights. If a publisher can’t make money from publishing books that is a them problem and they should work on fixing that
Actual creators when publishers start negotiating film/tv deals based on their creations.
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It particularly drives me mad when they claim AI allows disabled people into the industry...a large % of the arts industry (like me) ARE disabled, and work as freelance creatives in large part because we aren't accommodated in 'regular' work environments. AI is taking away our only available income.
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Fellas, there's a LOT of Not Great stuff that gets published, made into movies, games, etc etc This is a heads up to keep on creating your work, and that not being 'officially published' doesn't make your stuff any less worthy than those that are. Be a lil kinder to yourself
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Hello #portfolioday! My name is Alex, i'm a costarican illustrator / background artist 🌿 Looking for new projects to work on book projects, games and animation! 📧[email protected]
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Exclusive art is back on my Patreon 🌺 Patreon has become the best way for me to make a stable living out of webcomics! Thank you so much for the support 💙 There are 2 main tiers to choose from: +$1 gives you sneak peeks & more gay art +$5 same, plus smut („• ᴗ •„)
Get more from clover on creating queer webcomics!
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Follow the adventures of a wayward demi-god as they dodge bounty hunters and make new friends. Nix of Nothing Volume 1 is now live on Kickstarter! 🎊
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Bonjour 🎶 Le 21 Août sortira ma nouvelle BD, Happy Endings ! J'ai hâte de la tenir entre mes mains et j'espère que vous aussi ! Bel été et à tout bientôt pour plus d'images, d'extraits, et de mise en bouche avant la sortie ! 🫣
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#PortfolioDay again! My name is Luis, I'm an illustrator (and ex-concept artist) from Portugal and I also teach concept art. I unexpectedly became more known for my interpretations of famous games. Commissions closed for the coming months, looking mostly to grow here! Cheers!
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If you are thinking about making a comic, consider that you can print 50 issues of a 24 page greyscale A4 comic on 50lb uncoated paper with a colour cover and staple binding for $165
The other Western indie comic killer is the expectation that A) to stand out your comic must be in colour and B) you can’t sell your comic until you have 300 page library omnibus editions ready to go
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Parfois, je pense au fait que les jeunes ne pourront plus jamais comprendre ce gag de Gotlib et ça me rend triste
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Policies to help everyone. Monsters.