
UPDATE: NY Governor Kathy Hochul said on CNN last night that she is considering a ban on masks. This is absolutely shameful! New York has suffered so much from COVID, and COVID is not over. We should be normalizing and depoliticizing masks, not banning them.
It’s the Democratic Governor of a large state pushing Republican Policy challenge Like Gavin Newsom in CA, I bet she has delusions of a “centrist” path to the WH
Hochul brainstorming session: what we can come up with to give all those cops in the subway something to do.
How to win an election for the Democrats. By behaving like Republicans. It’s both cynical and brilliant at the same time. It gives me hope that the DNC, at last, gets it. This is a war not a game of ethics or reasonableness.
Is she switching parties?
No, more never Trumpers are dumping GOP, & voting Dem on regional district levels. Half ass attempt of big tent D ideology, but unintentionally isolating voting movements. Thing is Dem politicians haven't done this since Clinton, & need smart advisors to navigate this kind of multiplex voting field.
Since the pandemic, America has developed some very odd complexes around the use of surgical masks. Just weird.
In New York during the pandemic some lowlife in a car drove by and screamed at me to "Drop the mask" (I was wearing a mask). These people are savages and morons. Me wearing a mask has no effect on anyone else. So much for 'freedom and no regulations' the BS chant from Republicans.