
Next President gonna pick this shithead's replacement. I think we can all agree it would be awesome to fill this guy's seat with someone who wants to give women bodily autonomy and make it easier for everyone to vote and marry whom they love
Thomas being the “seniormost associate justice” today reminds me of his threat in 2000 to leave the court and the apparently successful effort to stop that from happening.
Somebody less likely to get me shot in public. As a treat.
Drinks are on me if he retires before 2028.
Yeah, if Biden gets reelected, I could see him and Alito riding things out until 2028.
Genuine worry- next 2 senate cycles bad for Dems. Low likelihood of having majority for next 4 years. So even with a Dem president they might just follow mcconnells example and let the seat(s) be vacant? Still better than Thomas I guess.