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Your cat loves me.

Cats, politics, what I think are clever quips, weird and/or funny stories sometimes
Without downloading new pics what is it like dating you
Without downloading new pics what is it like dating you
I emailed one of my most competent mentors yesterday. Former 3-letter agent, amazing professor. I asked for his thoughts about the recent ruling. He shut me down and said he can't even think about any of it anymore. Comforting.
Reposted byAvatar Elizabeth
Yep. One of the biggest blind spots people have is assuming that underneath, others share the same basic values as them. They have trouble imagining an ideology that is completely misaligned with theirs.
Reposted byAvatar Elizabeth
Easy to lose sight of the significance here, but the sitting president just gave a speech condemning the Supreme Court for a ruling that expands presidential power. It’s also a president who stands to benefit from this ruling, given that his opponent is vowing to imprison him and his family.
I keep crying so look at this thing that made me laugh today It really cracks me up when she carries stuff in her mouth Don't mind the mess, we are moving
These squirrels think they're Captain America or something 🙄
Have you met my grumpy faced cat, The Baby? Her frown is award-winning.
This is the SF Gay Men's chorus. It was taken in 1993 to honor the members they had lost to AIDS. The singers in white represent the remaining living members of the original choir, while those in black represent those who died. It's shocking and heartbreaking. It's important to remember. #pride
"Shut up, Brenduuuh, YOU'RE drunk"
Have you met my grumpy faced cat, The Baby? Her frown is award-winning.
I've read he's widely known by the rich assholes as "that little redheaded shit," which instantly endeared him to me as I have undoubtedly had the same moniker Sorry you can't drive drunk, JT 🤧
Giving a cop the mugshot treatment because he arrested a rich person who was guilty and acting like that’s totally normal should be a moment that open’s people’s eyes to the jig.
Have you met my grumpy faced cat, The Baby? Her frown is award-winning.
So many people who suffer from chronic pain or illness assume it's just them. I find I feel better and less persecuted when I realize how common this kind of suffering actually is. It sucks, but you're not alone.
My daughter has always been diabolical. At 18 months old she learned that if she made herself puke in her crib, she wouldn't have to take a nap because I'd be cleaning her up instead. Every day she'd gag herself then laugh at me when I came in to get her
please tell me more of your demon child stories these are giving me life rn
I'm not sure how Canadians developed a reputation for being nice, honestly. I apologize way more and am decidedly 4727758 times less passive-aggressive
Look at this cute little guy!
*The Sound of Silence plays as I realize the last remaining vestige of my former self is one remaining nose piercing*
I got in trouble on the platform formerly known as Twitter (RIP) for replying to a picture of a bunch of Magas getting violent in front of a Walmart with "Rednecks, man." Meanwhile, I've reported countless ACTUAL NAZI posts and "this does not break X's standards"
This image is fitting for my return
There are too many excruciatingly sad things happening
I was all settled in for bed, sleeping meds kicking in, and I adjusted my blankets and realized my left thigh had been resting on a smashed cat turd Caturday indeed 😡 I suspect this fellow
Oh nooo, I think it's waiting for me to die!
This is Shapes. She loves her bunny.
I really try to get my kid to like good music, but she just wants to jump on her trampoline, dancing hard to Justin Timberlake
I moved over thr month of July. It was long and drawn out and agonizing (mostly because of my massive hobbies list and all thr crap that follows). But I still haven't gotten the new place together. Is this familiar to anyone, or am I hopeless?
🎵But the kiiiid is not my son🎵
Lost a massive piece of my heart this evening I can't imagine how I will live through this, but I will
The X rebrand is totally the work of a genius. Throwing away the brand recognition along with $30 billion. Also, it's awesome now to open my phone and see a big XXX on the notifications bar so the little old lady behind me in line or my boss thinks I've just been watching porn
This morning, while choosing her clothes, my kid said she didn't want to wear her Bluey dress. "Why?" I asked. "You love Bluey." "Yeah, but then other kids want to *talk* to me about it." I had to be honest and tell her I fully understand and relate to this concern.