
I joined a zone 3 fb gardening group because my new place in Edmonton has a very neglected yard I need to do something with. Not only is it a hub of climate change denial, but folks are ready to throw Roundup on their yards in the most casual way. I’ve always lived in apartments so I’m shocked.
I guess I’m naive for thinking folks that garden would care about the environment. Then again, zone 3 encompasses some pretty conservative areas. I mostly wanted to learn about drought resistant native plants that would attract more birds to my yard while being the less effort possible to manage.
Like I want to convert my lawn to clover, violet, and wild strawberry while the general vibe towards these plants I’d use roundup on them because they are ‘weeds’.
Is to use, not I’d use. I hate autocorrect.
the city here cites you if the grasses get longer than a foot 😩 i should be allowed to turn my corner lot into a little piece of coastal savanna if i want to!
You should! Reminds me I should look into any municipal laws on what I can’t plant.
Been listening to home buying/building pods across a range & they recc'd checking local ordinances re lawns/gardens & that blew my mind! HOAs are bad enuf but the state?? Plus, Round-Up!!! 😱😱 Neighbors have been the bane of my apt life so forgive me if I have nightmares about this kind of shit!!! 😟
Everything is a weed, apparently. The only thing to really watch for it Creeping Bell Flower as it's invasive.
Try starting with the Canadian Wildlife Federation and they should have resources to point you in the right direction. Also look for a conservation society in your zone, doesn’t necessarily have to be in your area. Also try searching for an Alberta Naturalists club?
This is all advice from my partner who redid our whole yard in native plants. I hope it helps.
Just lovely stand of native plants, thanks for sharing!
I love watching the activity. Thank you. ❤️
Thank you! I’m a total newbie to gardening and am a bit overwhelmed on where to start.
No worries. My husband is the gardener but if those don’t work let me know and he will look up stuff for you.
Hi! I'm probably in that same group. It's a wild place here. I'm currently trying to turn my yard into a native plants yard & some of the takes in there about it are.... Something.
Yeah, I’ve not asked for advice because of it.
Same. I follow it because some very knowledgeable & brave ppl will post something counter to the general view of "monoculture grass is the only way"
That’s why I haven’t left. Fuck grass. It’s so boring.