
Seeing the Hamas statement about Aaron Bushnell get shared around like it’s a loving tribute elsewhere and fucking come on. They are still Hamas. Nobody is immune to propaganda but I sure thought people were better than *that*.
lots of red triangles in people’s usernames these days
Those red triangles are a huge public service for those of us who want fewer antisemites, sociopaths and LARPers in our TLs
thanks to a mute/blocklist my friend put together; I wouldn't know! 😀
They don’t acknowledge that Hamas does propaganda! A bunch of them told me as much a couple weeks ago and it was eye opening how (intentionally…) ignorant they are
thinking a lot about the cadre of leftists on this site who are doing a lot of “hamas can do no wrong”-posting
Unlike you, most people don’t think about Hamas at all. Terrible factions like them get created when nations are invaded and have everything taken from them. That’s just reality. Doesn’t change the fact that Palestine had their land and homes taken from them and don’t know freedom.
jesse what the fuck are you talking about
There are certainly leftists who ignore Hamas entirely, and given that they're one of the two factions waging the war those same leftists wants to see stopped, that's a phenomenally stupid thing to do. Other people, like you, are just apologists.
I can’t believe I just wasted time responding to some an anime kid.
Thanks for proving the real point. You sophists need to rely on your Hamas boogeyman to destruct from the reality that Israel is the one who took Palestine away, not the other way around.
“Waging the war.” Lol Israel is an organized military slaughtering innocent people so they can get at untrained gunmen who are nothing more than a prison gang. Gaza is the biggest prison on the planet. You don’t get to slaughter innocent people when prisoners break out.
jfc some ppl have truly lost it over the last several months
Hamas is like a local gang that both protects and harms their own streets. That's what we're dealing with. Their statements still matter. Criticism of them still matters. They are also still fighting for their freedom in a ways that may make many of us uncomfortable and frightened.
Using Aaron Bushnell to push your Israeli fanaticism a few hours after he died is peak scum baggers in case you weren’t aware.
You psychos never quit. You have severe mental illness. F’ing broken records. Hamas this. Antisemitism that. When neither is even remotely applicable. You need to create a boogie man to distract from the fact that Palestinians are the ones who were invaded and lost everything.
Jfc. Stfu you insufferable piece of garbage.