Dr Arthur Loureiro

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Dr Arthur Loureiro


Galaxies of the Universe, UNITE!
🇧🇷 Cosmologist Researcher @ The Oskar Klein Centre & Imperial College visiting researcher.

He/Him - ENG & PT (Opinions all mine)

What’s the equivalent of a Tweet in here?
The image on the cover of the Joy Division album "Unknown Pleasures" is from a plot that radio astronomer Harold Craft made for his PhD dissertation, using data collected at Arecibo while studying the pulsar discovered by Jocelyn Bell Burnell. 🧪 🔭 👩‍🔬
Astrophysicist Jocelyn Bell Burnell was born #OTD in 1943. As a Cambridge grad student in 1967, she discovered an entirely new type of celestial object: Pulsars! In 1974 the Nobel was given to her advisor; she was left off. 🧪 👩‍🔬 🔭 Photo: National Science & Media Museum
Amazing courage and bravery shown by Dianna Cowern: 3M YouTuber PhysicsGirl. Yesterday she live-streamed her day to show the world what severe LongCovid/MECFS looks like & fundraise for research of this life-changing disease (which I have a milder form of) 🙏🙏Dianne🧪 www.youtube.com/live/v8HWt9g...
Physics Girl LIVE with long Covidwww.youtube.com Dianna is Live streaming a day in her life as someone suffering from long COVID and ME/CFS. The purpose of the Livestream is to raise money and awareness for...
My prediction is that, of all the conservative parties standing in today's #UKGeneralElection, the one led by Keir Starmer will win.
Coup in Bolivia in course so the global north can buy cheaper electric cars. Democracy in Latin America is the lowest priority for the "pro-democracy" countries in the West.
New Chat-GPT will be unable to document code
New version of chatbot reaches level of function where it responds to all queries by making a little twisty-wrist gesture with pinched fingers and saying “But isn’t it more *complicated* than that?”
techbros are consistently incapable of making good takes about intelligence having a PhD doesn't mean you're smarter, it just means you got a PhD. there are many kinds of intelligence, and techbros are the kind of arrogant idiot that doesn't understand that
Lembrete diário que: Ciências humanas são ciência. Conhecimento científico também é cultura.
Fucking techbro dystopia from hell we live in....
I am one of these cosmologists haha
Some cosmologists have referred to the standard cosmological model as the "Maximally Boring Universe". I argue that this can be justified on anthropic grounds: the Universe has to be boring in order for so many boring people to exist within it.
Isso aí do Macron só pode ser dívida de jogo neh
PRECISAMOS ABRIR OS OLHOS! O avanço da extrema direita no Parlamento Europeu não é um problema exclusivo de lá e deve nos acender um alerta por aqui também. Segue o fio 🧶
Anti-communism is just a socially acceptable way of promoting fascism
Visualization of yesterday’s European elections in Germany. Black is center-right, blue is extreme-right. Reminder that, at least in theory, East and West Germany have been reunited 35 years ago.
Please stop having conferences in at the same time and place Taylor Swift is performing. It’s a nightmare to find affordable hotels…
Photograph: Ben Stansall/AFP/Getty Images. In case anyone was wondering who took the photograph which is popping up everywhere uncredited.
Charity Bundle to Aid Flood Victims in Southern Brazil You can buy 100 ttrpgs for only a $15+ donation. All procedures will go to the community kitchens organized by MTST, which have been feeding thousands of displaced families. itch.io/b/2460/chari... #ttrpg
A good meme to send people who are convinced we live in a computer simulation.
How is climate change increasing the risk of heavy rainfall? It’s basic physics: warmer air holds more water vapour. So when a storm comes along today, there’s a lot more of it available for that storm to sweep up and dump than there was 50 or 100 years ago. A LOT.
This isn’t getting as much traction as it should but the flooding in south Brazil is horrific. Over 600,000 people homeless, entire cities have disappeared under water because we’ve been harming the environment so much and this will get worse as more rain hits the region
The place I come from, the place I grew up… now looks like a distopia, under water for almost a whole month…
This isn’t getting as much traction as it should but the flooding in south Brazil is horrific. Over 600,000 people homeless, entire cities have disappeared under water because we’ve been harming the environment so much and this will get worse as more rain hits the region
Sorte: vc está se férias na Grécia por alguns dias. Revés: vc tem uma entrevista de emprego no dia que volta de férias e precisa se preparar…
At 11am (UK) today, the Royal Astronomical Society releases their long-awaited report on bullying and harassment in the field. It's going to be a hard read with the headline "44% of the 661 survey respondents reported suffering [bullying and/or harassment] in the workplace" 🔭👩‍🔬 👇Join Online👇
This Friday the Royal Astronomical Society is launching its report on Bullying and Harassment in Astronomy. You can sign up to attend in person or via the live stream here: www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/royal-astr...
Eu tô chegando ao ponto que me dá palpitação no peito de tanto estresse causado por ter que usar programas tipo Word ou Power Point da Microsoft. Velho o esquema se recusa a mudar a língua de partes do texto, enfia tabs sem sentido do nada, um inferno essa bosta
Mano, 2024 e não tem como colocar legenda em figuras no Google Docs? pqp...