
I’ve read enough of Project 2025 to know that it is going to be an absolute shitshow. I do not want any of it anywhere near me and my loved ones. The thing I want to know is, what is the plan to keep it from happening in 2029? 2034? 2039?
Because if the plan is “we will simply not lose another Presidential election for 16 years,” this plan is naive and unworkable. What I want from Democrats is the equivalent of a Project 2025, but from our side.
We have their evil vision. It’s 800+ pages of “mu ha ha ha!” on basically every issue that matters, in detail. I want the Democrats to have the same goddamn thing, in the same painstaking detail.
If the GOP takes control again, I want them to have to fight through the layer of the judiciary we are going to restore. If they take control again, I want them to have to repeal all the freaking laws on the books, to have to re-pass the Hyde amendment against EXTREMELY popular appeal.
I don’t EVER want them to be able to say, after the Democrats won, “the courts are still ours, now let’s just fix everything the Democrats did in one year of appropriations.”
I want Fox News to put up big blocks of it and say incredulously “they want to raise the minimum wage? To twenty dollars an hour?” I want Fox News to shit themselves for days on end.
Twenty-five. I want us to raise it to twenty-five dollars an hour.
Goddamn you’re right. I feel like the fact that the fight for $15 has taken this long is just such a massive travesty.
We got it done in CA for healthcare workers last year, and it kicks in this summer & gets to $25/hour within 3 years. And it includes everyone (except management) working in a healthcare setting - EVS (janitorial), food service, secretaries, etc. Hopefully that opens the door to expand for everyone
Fundamental problem is that "the left" does not see "the right" as their enemies in the same way that "the right" sees "the left". (Quotes because more often than not "the left" are more "centre-right" these days, but the principle is the same).
"the left" sees "the center" as their enemies, based on the replies I'm getting here on Bluesky.
The “left” is too busy attacking democrats who are not as “left” as they, rather than the people they should actually be fighting.
"the left" as in right wing and "the right" as in a little bit more right wing one party offers material support for genocide and brutal embargoes made to starve people to death the other wants to personally kill people in the genocide not great! don't love it!
"I want Fox News to shit themselves for days on end." This, but even MORESO somehow.
the democrats are incapable of this type of long term planning. the far right have been planning for this for 50 years since the powell memo. that said, shawn fain has a plan for 2028: a general strike.
Organized labor is in fact the thing that gives me the most hope in this country.
Haven’t been on twitter for a while, but I remember seeing lots of GOP voters complaining about the exact same thing except that Dems were so organized and they were in disarray. Honestly yes some right wingers have been plotting shit forever- but the GOP party nationally and many states is a 💩 show
Read on his state republican party. It's quite something, and by quite something I mean utterly deranged.
If theres one thing I can give the GOP is that they know how to stay on message. Project 25 is very evident of having a few big ticket items that then cause a lot of smaller ones fall into place. The Democratic party could use a manifesto of its own. Their messaging is always off.
The right wing has more organized think tanks, unfortunately. And there are fewer Democratic billionaires who want to impose their vision on the country.
The other piece is that every time we start to get a good Democratic organization that starts making these sort of plans, anarchists and fringe left orgs (most of which are so-called socialists who are just left authoritarians) end up shoving out the folx who could actually put something together
Several attempts in the '00s. Forget the details.
And most of them just want lower tax rates like the right wing billionaires. 😢🤬
I feel like we go through cycles of building this in a reactive way (ALICE, ALEC) but nobody wants to enact the vision/the vision is contested/the vision is prenegotiated down from any inspirational motivating level to something moderate/we enact it but put $$$$ in for the Manchins, blunting impact.
Winning “everything” is not remotely enough. There has to be a secret third kind of winning.
This, a million times, THIS. For example: Waiting on SCOTUS to finish radicalizing the rest of the population is not a plan. I want Dem Congressional candidates to lay out a court reform plan (30 extra justices, rotating case assignments). I know Biden won’t go along with it - but scare them.
Plus, fingers crossed, we need a court reform plan ready & waiting for the next Dem president who will sign it. Easier when it’s been around for a while & people are already familiar with it.
I’ll be calling my Senator tomorrow(not up for election) urging them to do thjs. Letting Congresscritters & candidates know their voters want X is our job.
god, yes please. It's not enough to just go "well as long as we have the Senate and the Presidency maybe we can shift the USSC and also keep appointing judges elsewhere", we need shovel-ready legislation on hand! the best time to work out the details of next year's bill is *today*.
3 THINGS. 1 . Federal legalization of Marijuana ( including overriding state restrictions), and pardon/commutaion of all existing convictions. 2 Federal Legislation enshrining a federal right to Abortion. 3 Bind, permananently SCOTUS seats to number of circuit courts.
1 would get out voters who might otherwise sit it out. 2 BECAUSE IT IS THE RIGHT THING TO DO. 3 Packing the court lets us circle back and do the needful that is not covered above.
And I have been saying this for a while
If the Dems want to ENSURE a win they need to promise ( and deliver on) these 3 things IF they have a supermajority. A ) enshrine federal protection of the right to abortion. B ) pass a federal law allowing the recreational use of cannabis. C ) commit to expanding the Supreme Court to the …
that is a "circle back" thing, I really feel the "top 3" bits should be what we go to. ( unless you think DC statehood should supplant one of those 3? )
Biden's original Build Back Better agenda, planned with a lot of help from Warren and Sanders and their economists, was a pretty great first draft of the domestic policy side. It would have locked in the struggles against inequality and climate change for the next 40 years, like the New Deal.
Dems are very afraid if they laid out things like - DC statehood - PR statehood - Supreme Court reform It would get turned into the 'main story' which isn't entirely unfounded because Fox controls US political discussions, but hell they'd attack you for anything so why walk on eggshells
Exactly. Because "don't lose any presidentaial elections, and win the Senate sometimes too" does seem to be the current plan, at least as far as the Supreme Court is concerned, and that is definitely not going to work.
Democrats put way much emphasis on the presidential election and not enough on the school board etc. ones where the real harms are done.
Please enjoy your one choice voting system for the next 16 years. We're sure this won't make the democrats somehow more complacent and useless.
THIS. You know how you reassure voters who are balking at voting for Dems? You show them a detailed plan and the groundwork already in progress!!! They're only 'better than Trump' because they don't actively try to make things worse, but never FIX anything. Prove you know how to use a mandate!!!
I want like 50 pages of how we’re going to advance majoritarian rule and force more votes on legislation.