
I don’t think we have an inflation problem so much as a private equity/large unchecked corporation problem.
the amount that's come out about how much of inflation (especially on the food front) was price gouging woof
And rental increases were due to price fixing. Eesh
Oh come on, how are that poor Walton family going to afford their next *checks notes* private island with underground lair?
Someone should start a "privateequityruinedmy..." site, where we can find replacement services/products that were destroyed by private equity. Private Equity Destroyed my Vet: Here's a place where the practice is still owned by the doctor and charges reasonable rates.
I don't know what we do about perfectly fine companies like Pyrex or the entire media industry.
I’d put my bets there. I had to let my sweet kitty go two years ago. They don’t charge for euthanasia of a pet they’ve cared for in the practice. It was such a kindness.
My local vet performed costly, life-saving surgery on my cat without being able to get a hold of me to confirm I’d even be willing to pay for it (cell tower was down). They saved him, knowing they might have to eat the cost, because it was the right thing to do. I’ll love them forever for that.
My parents' vet goes on the list. She sourced a doggie wheelchair for a family corgi who had DM from another one of her clients. She's a country vet and has reasonable fees and amazing heart. My vet used to be like that, but bought by private equity and now a costly burn and churn.
We have a corporate greed problem for sure
Plus a regulatory/governmental body capture problem. But yeah.
You know, my first thought was "aren't they the same thing" which I think says a lot about how fucked up this country is getting without strong regulations