
The Jan 6 coup is looking more and more like the civil war: deeply treasonous and based on evil, but far more successful than the initial results would lead you to believe.
We're unlikely to get a civil war with defined sides, competing armies, and military campaigns. We're already many years into our own version of the Troubles. Historians will argue about starting points, but we were there by the time the Bundys ramboed up. Jan 6th marked a major accelleration.
It was shocking that the incursion onto federal lands was, basically ignored. Very frustrating that Obama felt he couldn't take what would have the appropriate action.
He would have acted if they were black people or a leftist group wanting free healthcare. Democrats think of republicans as their friends and the rest of us have a target on our ass.
Maybe the last one never ended. Maybe we just had a really long quietish period.
Yes. Today’s SCOTUS ruling feels like them making the Jan. 6th coup successful. And more harmful than many of us even imagined on that day.
It was a beer hall putsch. Successful coup attempts are usually preceded by failed ones!
And "well, the US survived so it couldn't have been so bad..." revisionism
Survived the first stabbing so what’s your deal???
The abject lack of acknowledgment that it has been ongoing has been maddening.