Billy Kennedy

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Billy Kennedy

I do User Research and other product insight stuff. I like lots of stuff but particularly Punk/Ska, RPGs, tech, friendly folks and pints of Guinness.
Reposted byAvatar Billy Kennedy
I asked you direct questions related to your statements? Okay that’s fine.
Reposted byAvatar Billy Kennedy
Billy, you may be the first person who I've 'heard' that has put the age/lifetime appointment in context. There was also a time when those who were appointed were concerned about the mere appearance of impropriety. Those days have passed Us by. Now, I've a Beatles song on loop. don't pass me by
Reposted byAvatar Billy Kennedy
I see a lot of academia who haven't mentioned the fact once. The afterthought and lesser branch, yes. Strange part is, during the last century when modern medicine was increasing lifespans, it wasn't changed.
Imagine having a new continental congress. Imagine that as a legacy. Imagine having a peoples forum. Imagine reforming American democracy to reflect a growing and changing America
Reposted byAvatar Billy Kennedy
Reposted byAvatar Billy Kennedy
Guess I'll post here, too. I'm excited to announce I was a proofreader on The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak. I've been a fan of Trails for a long time, so I'm really glad I was able to contribute to the series. The rest of the team involved was awesome, so hopefully everyone enjoys it.
Reposted byAvatar Billy Kennedy
This guy was such a G for telling his evil wizard cyborg boss that his religion is bullshit during a work meeting.
Reposted byAvatar Billy Kennedy
This from on the other place can’t be said often or loudly enough. It’s why ideological purity on the left makes me grind my teeth to dust
Voting is a civic duty. Please vote.
Reposted byAvatar Billy Kennedy
I'm newly arrived. Hopefully my friends from the other place will follow me here as well.
Reposted byAvatar Billy Kennedy
Reposted byAvatar Billy Kennedy
Reposted byAvatar Billy Kennedy
In "Bell Riots," the dystopian vision of 2024 is that sanctuary districts would be designated which legally permit the unhoused to sleep outside or in derelict buildings, where food is provided and there's an office that sets people up with work. Again, this is the dystopian part of the Bell Riots.
Reposted byAvatar Billy Kennedy
if i really wanted to watch two old men argue I'd watch these guys
Reposted byAvatar Billy Kennedy
The amount of wacko, conspiracy theory BS on Twitter made me switch. That algo is wack. lol
I’ve never heard of the movie Ginger Snaps before but we saw it had a 98% Rotten Tomatoes score so we said we’d give it a go. How was this not bigger!? It’s glorious!
Reposted byAvatar Billy Kennedy
Unless you're writing something very formal, try to write how you talk. Don't try to sound smart by using unnatural vocabulary or elaborate phrasing - you're more likely to trip yourself up. Also, don't try to copy other writers' style; you want to stand out, not be indistinguishable from the crowd.
if u see this, quote-post with your tips for writers that no one gives anymore because they seem obvious (even though they're not)
Bluesky feels so refreshingly like Twitter circa 2008 or so, and it’s wonderful.
Reposted byAvatar Billy Kennedy
📢ATTN FREELANCE WRITERS📢 ROMchip: A Journal of Game Histories is currently accepting pitches for a game history long read! Scope is 2.5K-4K piece suitable to ROMchip's Materials section (focus is close reads of game history artifacts). Pay is $1000. More info:
New ROMchip is an open access publishing venue dedicated to the historical study of games. While we serve most formally as a peer-reviewed journal for game history scholarship written by professional...
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