Colin McGowan

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Colin McGowan

Used to write for lots of places. Now mostly at Flaming Hydra, a co-op newsletter:

DMs are fine // colinsilasmcgowan at gmail
Growing up is being disabused of your youthful misapprehensions but nothing will shake from my mind the image of J.D. Power as some ham-fleshed guy with a big knot in his tie, sitting behind an oak desk the size of Connecticut, who decides whether or not a product is "of the highest quality."
My dad was a science teacher who wanted me to be more interested in the subject than I was. I still don't really care about it, but—especially now—I do see the appeal of trying to dedicate yourself to careful discovery and fact. As a way of maintaining your sanity, more than anything else.
I have no idea what anything means. How the polls will move, if the polls will even end up being right. I'm more concerned that his opponent literally cannot articulate a counterargument. Which: he was kind of a corpse with DEMOCRAT stamped on his forehead in 2020, but he is fully that now.
Waiting out the tornado warning by sitting in the hallway hunched over an iPad that's playing Taxi Driver, because I'm manifestly Going Through Some Shit and so is the atmosphere.
There's a great extended scene in Vineland where a Japanese insurance agent is surveying the aftermath of what's clearly a Godzilla attack. It's not really commented upon, just something that apparently happens from time to time, like floods or hurricanes.
I know it's a CONMEBOL production but the extravagantly fucked up Copa América has been a nice little running sub-commentary on our state-in-serious-decline status.
I like to think there's some cosmic correlation between the Basque country's mountainous terrain and its people's craggy countenances.
Maybe people wouldn't find political violence necessary if we ever put powerful criminals in jail.
Ate so much curry I'm a galangal-based lifeform.
I've always thought that calling a foodstuff "Vietnamese-inspired" or whatever was a way of eliding appropriation claims but Wendy's calling their cinnamon bun "bakery-inspired" has fully transformed my reality.
Biden's defiance has taken on a Chotiner interview quality. We're past argument and reason, into the "you know what: fuck you for pointing that out" phase of proceedings.
Listen here, Jack: après moi, le deluge.
Doing the cosmos in the coffee monologue but it's pickling brine.
The entire Uruguay bench giving the fourth official agita as a terrible and contentious 90 minutes draws to a scoreless close is, in its way, what the Copa America is all about.
I think "maybe..." every time I walk by that place.
Thinking about having a Boys' Weekend in
Been cooking my way through Six Seasons and while everything is quite good, the pasta recipes positively rip. Linguine with snap peas, pancetta, and cacio e pepe butter. Pasta alla Norma with eggplant and cherry tomatoes. Incredible shit.
Just wanna pummel this thing with jumpers that clang heavily off the rim.
Using a hydration break to text the gf "home in 30, can you order pizza?"
And then some of them go on lucrative Yeah, I Did That Shit speaking tours!
Really? I must suffer Real Madrid Bullshit even at an international tournament?
We fucked up that every documentary now needs to be a four to six-hour Television Event.
When I throw kalamatas on the pizza, that's going Kosta Koufos mode.
Time For Him To Escape From New York Time For Them To Hunt For Red October Time For Us To Support The Girls Time For Something To Give, Which It's Gotta Time For There To Be Blood
Reposted byAvatar Colin McGowan
TODAY: join us in defending the Internet Archive and protecting libraries!! An important appellate hearing is happening this morning, which you can read all about at the link below. And if you’re in New York and you spot our wheatpaste, please snap a photo and share.
[Jon Gruden voice:] I *like* this dangerous water.