Carlos Solís

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Carlos Solís

Developer, Free Culture activist, self-hoster, auxlanger [EO-IO-LdP], translator-adapter, A11Y advocate, free-time gamer. Posts generally in English and Spanish.

Cross-posting from my server at
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This episode aired in 1994 and no other joke about American politics has held up that consistently for so long.
Sure, he dropped Gass as soon as his mask dropped off, but #JackBlack is also responsible for platforming him in the first place. You don't just go so long on a partnership without probing the ethics of your partners
The thing that worries me the most about the shootout of last week, is that it implies that we already have people willing to die for the Orange Wig in Chief - and worse, potentially willing to die for the sake of making a false flag operation look legitimate.
Today in "questions nobody seems to have ever asked": Jamie Siu in #StreetFighter6 is shown to base his strength in a drink that, despite of its look, is not alcoholic, but a brew of bitter herbs. Do those herbs count as #Maror for #Pesach#StreetFighter6 is shown to base his strength in a drink that, despite of its look, is not alcoholic, but a brew of bitter herbs. Do those herbs count as #Maror for #Pesach purposes?
What puzzles me most about claiming that cancel culture is fascist, is that the only other people I've heard saying that are the fascists themselves.
Well I found another baffling opinion online - apparently my preemptive boycott of art, as a vehicle for questionable people and their ideologies to become widespread, is somehow fascist-adjacent?
Reposted byAvatar Carlos Solís
It really is grotesque that we have to tolerate, and accept as fellow citizens, these despicable subnormal freaks who delight in evil and threaten everything that makes America great with their sick fantasies. On the other hand honestly the furries can be kind of irritating too.
Self-described “gay furry hackers” breached the Heritage Foundation in an attempt to undermine Project 2025, so of course an executive director at the right-wing think tank threatened them as “degenerate perverts” who would face God’s punishment and the FBI.
Heritage Foundation Exec Threatens ‘Gay Furry Hackers’ in Unhinged Mike Howell of Heritage Foundation went at gay furry hacking collective SiegedSec after data breach motivated by Project 2025.
"His (Justice #ClarenceThomas 's) conduct has caused a reasonable person to believe the gifts were offered and accepted in return for being influenced in the performance of an official act and from the same or different sources on a basis so frequent that a reasonable person would believe (1/2)
This is how I found out that #Sudachi got #DMCA#Sudachi got #DMCA -ed
Android only supports external #Passkey providers such as #Bitwarden#Passkey providers such as #Bitwarden on Android 14, but Xiaomi decided to keep my phone on Android 13. Installing a custom ROM would make Microsoft Intune stop working. The "solution"? Spending $400 on a new phone! #PlannedObsolescence
After an incident I found on the #ArchLinux #AUR repositories, I'm seriously considering to 1. drop #Sunshine and #Moonlight, 2. drop Arch entirely in favor of Fedora / OpenSuse Tumbleweed + COPR.…#AUR#ArchLinux #AUR repositories, I'm seriously considering to 1. drop #Sunshine and #Moonlight#Sunshine and #Moonlight, 2. drop Arch entirely in favor of Fedora / OpenSuse Tumbleweed + COPR.…
AUR (en) -
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If you're worried about brevity in your writing, don't. It took Project 2025 nine hundred pages to say fourteen words.
Is it even possible to have an unbiased knowledge of the world's events anymore? #Journalism, and before that word of mouth, used to be the instrument to query and then amplify awareness of events. But now there seems to be no such thing as an unbiased newsroom.
With the #WashingtonPost and the #NewYorkTimes basically going mask-off, the people at #GroundNews#NewYorkTimes#WashingtonPost and the #NewYorkTimes basically going mask-off, the people at #GroundNews are probably working overtime to finish tweaking their political bias scorecards
#Waydroid, the #Android -over- #Linux compatibility layer, seems to be coming to #Steam in some form: -over- #Linux compatibility layer, seems to be coming to #Steam#Waydroid, the #Android -over- #Linux compatibility layer, seems to be coming to #Steam in some form:
SteamDB Unknown App 3029110 (App 3029110) SteamDB record for SteamDB Unknown App 3029110
Reposted byAvatar Carlos Solís
Roaming legendaries in #Pokemon be like
Reposted byAvatar Carlos Solís
The U.S. Supreme Court is transforming the Constitution into the MAGA Carta.
Caveat emptor, as the Romans said
A thread I posted a comment in over #Lemmy somehow descended into antisemitic comments. Literally the only reason why I'm ignoring the thread (instead of blocking it to heck and back) is because I'm a firm believer in the Golden Rule and dislike being blocked myself.
I had been following the #Euro2024 and #CopaAmerica#Euro2024 and #CopaAmerica so much, that I briefly thought that #SCOTUS was the hashtag for the match between Scotland and the United States
Reposted byAvatar Carlos Solís
It is so cool that both Chinese and Latin #calligraphy have a hierarchy of scripts, and it works the same way. A piece starts with older/slower scripts, and finishes with younger/faster scripts. 1/n
Just dawned on me that #GoogleTranslate added Jamaican #Patois before they added #Scots... ah well and here I wanted to compare them
Reposted byAvatar Carlos Solís
[Thread] Some bad map projections I’ve drawn: #45: Exterior Kansas
#79: Where each country SHOULD be, according to its time zone(s)
I'm not entirely sure of what benefit would Big Media get from Making America Confederate Again™ - they know full well they'll be severely restricted if they do it another time, unless somehow every single news station owner is in cahoots with the Orange Wig in Chief?
Buenas noticias gente de #CostaRica: pronto #GoogleTranslate permitirá traducir del español al patuá limonense ("Jamaican Patois") y viceversa.…#CostaRica: pronto #GoogleTranslate permitirá traducir del español al patuá limonense ("Jamaican Patois") y viceversa.…