Andrea (CuriousCat)

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Andrea (CuriousCat)

TTRPG & graphic designer, editor, translator, and RPG publisher @plotbunnygames in Germany. 🐰 Queer, nonbinary, ADHD, chronically ill. She/her. DE + ENG 🌈
#AnarchieDéco1930 ist fertig überarbeitet und an die Testleserin rausgeschickt, und ich nehme schon mal ein bisschen Abschied von Nike, Sandor und Georgette, die drei ganz besondere Figuren für mich waren. 😭
Yeah, all of this. If your "protest" is indistinguishable from apathy, it doesn't accomplish what you think it will.
Remember when people are talking about sitting out the election or voting third part out of spite, or etc, -- remember who you are harming. It's never the people who are safest in this country. It's never the people who are safest in this country.
CONVICT-ION is free to claim and download this weekend (20-21 July 2024)! CONVICT-ION is a TTRPG about identity, gender and superpowers inspired by Life is Strange, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Persona, as well as the philosophy of Butler and Foucault.
CONVICT-ION 100% off! A sale by W.H. Arthur, 100% off CONVICT-ION
This year's jam starts next week. Will you be participating?
Jetzt auch als Blogpost: Wir sind ENNIE-nominiert! Darin findet ihr alle Infos zur Abstimmung (läuft noch bis 21.07.2024, also diesen Sonntag) und eine Übersicht über die Spiele, die wir 2023 herausgegeben haben. #pnpde
Wir sind ENNIE-nominiert! - Plotbunny Wir sind super stolz, dieses Jahr für den internationalen Rollenspielpreis ENNIE Awards nominiert zu sein, in der Kategorie Fan's Favorite Publisher.
Kein Zweifel: #Migräne beeinträchtigt das Leben von Erkrankten erheblich. ➡️Sie steht weltweit an 2. Stelle der am meisten beeinträchtigenden Krankheiten (WHO). 👉In den meisten Fällen dauert sie mehr als 4 Std. bis 3 Tage. (Quelle:
This goes for TTRPGs too! Small and mid-tier publishers have very little budget for marketing and advertising, and can’t make game stores promote their books. If nobody you know has heard of your favorite game, tell them about it!
A conversation on our Discord has prompted me to say again: remember, y'all, what really sells books is not the author talking about their work, but *readers* talking about it. Word of mouth drives far more sales than advertising or any other engine. So if you loved a book, tell your friends!
Everywhere you go without wearing an n95 is a place you’ve decided disabled people don’t belong. Masks don’t mean giving up your life. Failing to mask means forcing that on disabled folks. “But in a mask it’s hard to—“ Yup. So join the fight for disability justice, better tools, a better world.
Ich habe soeben erfahren, dass Plotbunny Games als Fan's Favorite Publisher für die ENNIEs nominiert ist! 😳🤯🎉🐰 Bitte sagt es allen weiter, die sich auch nur ein wenig für Rollenspiele interessieren! Und vor allem: Bitte, bitte stimmt ab sofort für uns ab! #pnpde
I just found out that Plotbunny Games is nominated as Fan's Favorite Publisher for the ENNIEs! 😳🤯🎉🐰 Please tell everyone with even the slightest interest in role-playing games! And please, please vote for us - the ENNIEs are audience awards, after all! #TTRPG
Only 1 more day to support the Queer Games Bundle and 271 queer creators! Can you help us give it a final push? Included: "Dolly, We Bought a Dream House" and "The Lovecraft Boat," both by and #pnpde #TTRPG #IndieGame
Talking about ableist language is important, but when you aren't doing any work to protect yourself and others from a disabling illness, I lose major respect for you. Your disability advocacy can't just be theoretical.
Today's free game is the one that started it all: Session Zero! Session Zero is a card based game with over 60 prompts to help you create character backstories for *any* #ttrpg! Grab your copy here: #MeghansBirthdaySalebration
Session Zero by Meghan(IynnFTW) A deck based character creation game.
imagine how much great art could have been created if we took a fraction of the money spent on getting computers to make shitty art and gave it to actual artists
We've passed $70,000! Just 57 hours left. Get 500 queer games and artworks for $60 (or $10-20+) and support queer creators in a life-changing way: ✨
Queer Games Bundle 2024 (with $10+ option!) by Queer Games Bundle and 271 Queer Games Bundle 2024 (with $10+ option!): 489 items for $60.00
In dieser Woche infizieren sich nach den Berechnungen von etwa eine Million Menschen in Deutschland mit #SARSCoV2. #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborne #LongCovid #MECFS #Corona #CleanAir #ImpfenSchuetzt #MaskUp #VirusEvolution #OrganDamage #BrainDamage
Covid19 am 10.7.24: R leider wieder↗️1,09😢 R(Berichte): 1,05 R(Meldungen) fix: 1,08 - korr: 1,09 R_ITS: 1,14-1,19 R_LOESS (Abwasser): 1,19 [26.6.] Mit DZF 250 real: Fälle (7T-M): 140.000 Inzidenz: 1200 - Abwasser [19.6.]: ~1000 Grafik ab 1.5., Details s. ALT‼️
Bis Mittwoch den 10.7. gibt es im Spreadshirt-Shop 20% auf alles! Und ein paar neue Motive gibt es auch! 😊
The 'Say Hi to a Bird Jam' is live! 🦆 Join us for an explosion of lyric games on themes of: - saying hi to birds - something about building relationships with birds - is written by or with birds - flight, migration, nests, feathers, eggs, etc More info on the jam page! 🕊️ 🐣
Say hi to a bird A game jam from 2024-06-30 to 2024-07-31 hosted by breathingstories. Hello hello! I'm Logan Timmins, coming to you from Wurundjeri Country, and I love lyric games. What I love about lyric games is tha...
Google’s emissions are up 48% in 5 years. Microsoft’s are up 30% since 2020. Those soaring figures are being driven by mass investments in data centers to power AI tools. Generative AI is a climate disaster and data center expansion must be stopped.
Generative AI is a climate Tech companies are abandoning emissions pledges to chase AI market share
Der Talk mit und zum selbständigen Arbeiten als chronisch kranke Person ist jetzt bei YouTube! 🐰📺 Wir freuen uns sehr über Abos, Likes und Kommentare dort! 💖 #pnpde #TTRPG #DisabilityPrideMonth
I recently had a new collection! A lot of queer/trans/intersex stories, also people turning into plants and the rental that drinks blood. Amazon: Bookshop dot org: (associate links)
You could support me by buying my things individually, which would be very sweet. OR, you could support over 500 queer creatives even as we move past Pride Month!
Queer Games Bundle 2024 (with $10+ option!) by Queer Games Bundle and 271 Queer Games Bundle 2024 (with $10+ option!): 489 items for $60.00
I love this raccoon (and my t-shirt with it on it) soooo much! 😍
Happy #DisabilityPrideMonth! 🌈 Invisible disabilities are of course included ❤️.