
This is exactly where I’ve been for the past few days—though I had a helpful conversation with someone here last night that reassured me that a switch from Biden to Harris presents as many opportunities as risks. So I’m feeling a little better about the world today.
Not that anyone is asking me, but I have no idea what the Democrats should do right now. All the options seem bad, and there isn’t one that seems less bad than the others. And as a professional opinion-haver, it’s disorienting to have no strong opinion about something so enormously consequential.
"What if Biden withdraws and it's a huge mistake?" is a legit case for him staying in. My feeling is that the odds against him are now so steep and the condition that has created those steep odds so impossible to change that even the shock of a new candidate is now a better bet. But it's a big risk!
I think that’s very fair; my main hangup has been that I’m not confident in my ability to assess how much has changed, since the large majority of voters are partisans whose votes are locked in, and I cannot hope to understand the minds of swing voters.
But thanks to my helpful conversation last night, I am now at least feeling good about the *potential* of a candidate swap (to Harris), and if the polling and wiser political minds agree that the damage to Biden’s candidacy is grave, I’m fine with that move
Yeah, I'm now feeling pretty okay about a switch to Harris if Biden is fully and enthusiastically on-board with the plan and throws all his support behind her.
On two conditions: 1. Harris immediately fires the strategists that got us in this mess. 2. Harris immediately turns the election into a referendum on Project 2025. This is not about Harris or Trump. It's about democracy or tyranny.