
Not that anyone is asking me, but I have no idea what the Democrats should do right now. All the options seem bad, and there isn’t one that seems less bad than the others. And as a professional opinion-haver, it’s disorienting to have no strong opinion about something so enormously consequential.
I had an opinion, but I changed it 3 times already since yesterday morning.
“Get united and work as a team” is the ultimate answer, obviously, though the question is how. I think they have Biden do his ABC news thing on Friday and if it goes well they get behind him and roll with him. But keep getting him out there, interviews and townhalls.
If the ABC news thing on Friday goes well then President Biden will be good for the next four-and-a-half years, right? Right?
Not necessarily!! But good enough to finish the campaign. I’m not very interested in seeing what four more years of trump would be like.
Presidents are like pets. They're not just for Christmas, they're for life. Or four more years, if we're being optimistic .
Right now we have to ask what gives us the best odds of winning in November. If Biden wins and resigns at some point in the next 4 years, that’s fine.
Your pragmatism does you credit.
Reagan’s brain was mush well before he won his second term, and look how much evil he still accomplished! I’m not too worried
I'm amazed people actually think shadowy backroom dealings to dump a democratically-selected candidate is a good plan.
Or until they are unable to serve. And wouldn't you know it, the Framers have a simple answer as to what we should do then!
There's a difference between electing someone to an office with a four year term, confident they will serve it out; and electing someone to said office with a confident Plan B in place.
Yep! Because if Biden can’t make it, we’d have Harris. So win-win if the other choice is trump!
That’s what the 25th is for
Correct. Make a decision on direction and then message. When that's made, EVERYONE in the party gets behind and repeats it everywhere all the time. Start doing shit like Republicans do please.
Right? This isn't hard. I mean, pulling it off is going to be a little bit hard, sure. But the answer is obviously just "win with the candidate we end up with". It's not up to any of us!
Trump is apparently trash talking Harris in private, which is a pretty obvious tell he's worried about running against her.
I'm sorry, is there *anyone* he doesn't trash talk? That feels like weak sauce for understanding his concerns.
Yeah, no. No. He's a virulent racist and misogynist of course he's "trash talking" her.
Perhaps (putting aside for a minute the existential threat from SCOTUS), the Dems should (subtly) emphasise her as VP would take over in case of an issue?
The least-bad option is to keep running with Biden.
Maybe, but the guy is deteriorating before our eyes.
this argument is deteriorating before our eyes
Thank you for stepping up to the gallows.
I am not at all certain of that. What I deeply suspect is that the choice matters less than people think (though the absolute stakes have never been higher, since the Civil War at least).
Damn it, man, this is no time for nuanced opinions that acknowledge the complexity of the situation. The only thing that will save our democracy is Takes! Piping Hot Takes!
the utter confidence that some thinkfluencers have that their idea would definitely work and other people’s would sink democracy is just baffling to me
Part of being a good thinker (or trying to be, anyway) is being able to identify and admit when you haven’t got a clue but being a good thinker and being paid to put your thoughts online overlap at a rate that is frankly suboptimal
part of what has me feeling so (extra) nervous about Things is that all the smart pundit/writer-types whose opinions and knowledge I value are feeling this way. People can argue til they're blue in the face about whether this is "the worst" moment but it's definitely the most ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ moment.
Yep. My only opinion is to hell with what any politician or their fans wants and to hell with any thoughts of it being anyone’s “turn”. The only thing I want is the candidate with the best chance of beating Trump, screw anyone’s feelings. But I have zero idea who that candidate would be. 1/
Could be Biden, could be Harris, could be someone else. 2/2
This is why I am focusing on the need for Court reform. That one is very clear!
Which won’t happen if Trump wins and the GOP controls at least one chamber.
"Talk nonstop about how Trump is a fascist who is also a rapist, pedophile, felon, con man, and nonstop liar." seems like a good start
Look “Reagan is senile” was a running joke on SNL and look how that turned out for President Mondale. And I’m pretty sure Reagan didn’t even try to have SNL quit making fun of him like a certain thin orange skinned man did
Then stick w the fundamentals. Good presidency, incumbency advantage, good economy better than rest of world, gas prices dropping, Cabinet largely scandal and corruption free, very good admin, several major leg wins (IRA, Infrastructure, drug prices seniors), pro women/LGBTQ Together these win.
Plus, opponent is apocalyptically bad.
I think the move might be to talk up all this "Trump raped kids with Epstein" stuff
And at that same debate said that he would not release any Epstein material because it would be unfair to so many men. The fact that we’re focused on GOP talking points a week later instead of Trump and Epstein is just more proof how little we’ve grown since 2016
Fox News Edited Out Trump Saying He Might Keep Epstein Files But a later release of the interview included his full response.
They need to release whatever they have. And if they're not doing so to protect Bill Clinton, well, how much do we have to suffer for his sexual deviance?
I'm just mad that everyone who promptly piled on the day after the debate hadn't thought one bit about the legal details, which may very well require Biden carry on as the candidate. Good job (once again), pundits.* * Of course, a lot of them want Trump to win, but can't say so openly.
Of course we thought through the legal details. Biden releases his delegates, then they vote for someone else, the end.
It is too late. It is Biden and we are going to weekend at Bernie it
Fine. I’d rather have a cadaver than Trump.
Feed him all the speed if they’re going to WaB it. Or WaB2 and do weird voodoo I guess.
For this refreshing honesty, I am now following you. Thank you Radley.