Yechiel ⍼ יחיאל

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Yechiel ⍼ יחיאל

Full Slack Engineer

Space laser operator

Dad joke cornisseur

Soros funded


Reskeets == endorsement.

Anonymous whistleblower line:
I haven't looked forward to shabbat and unplugging from social media this much in months! The vibes are absolutely rancid! I'll see y'all tomorrow night, hope you've all taken a chill pill by then. #ShabbatShalom
Trump's also been trying to distance himself from the Dobbs decision. Doesn't mean you have to let him...
Former president Donald Trump sought Friday to distance himself from a conservative think tank’s plan, known as Project 2025, for the next Republican presidency, as Democrats work to make it a political vulnerability for Trump in the November election.
Trump tries to distance himself from Project 2025, a conservative group’s plan for GOP Trump claimed Friday he knew “nothing” about the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025, a right-wing policy blueprint spearheaded by former Trump administration officials.
"Guy who said he never fucked Stormy Daniels now claims he has nothing to do with plan to install him as dictator"
The ramped-up hits on Project 2025 must be landing — Trump just shoved it right in front of the bus
Obviously the problem isn't the scrutiny, that's a good thing. It's the total lack of proportion between the scrutiny over his debate performance and the (total lack) of scrutiny over the fact that Trump is setting himself up to be a dictator on day one and SCOTUS just handed him the keys to do it!
IMO the biggest problem with Biden's age is the fact that Trump wants to be a dictator on day one and it doesn't look like there's anything or anyone in our institutions that are willing or able to stop him.
There is no ego more fragile than your average billionaire
Step down for the birthday boys
Must be nice to live in a first world country...
SAO PAULO (AP) — Brazil's federal police indict ex-President Bolsonaro for money laundering and criminal association, source confirms.
I know things seem bleak, but once in a while try to focus on the positive, it'll help you maintain your sanity. For example, currently, Steve Bannon is in prison and Ronald Reagan is dead.
Don't get me wrong, Biden's performance and ability to perform is an important story, but for Josh's sake! At this point in time there are quite a few stories that are FAR FAR FAR more important and they're just being overshadowed by "Biden old"!
Notice how everyone is somehow talking about Biden Too Old right now, and NOT about how the Supreme Court just legalized Trump being a dictator for life and gutted the administrative state, and how the Heritage Foundation is now issuing terrorist threats? Think that might not be an accident?
I try to let things SFW, but I did once let loose...
In honor of all the new users, here's my Wagon Wednesday contribution.
I feel like an under-discussed thing right now is how the vast majority of people paid to be smart are not smart.
I listened to NPR for like five minutes today. They had on Sarah Isgur to talk about what a tough spot Roberts was in because Biden was prosecuting his opponent for a crime for which he wasn’t impeached.
2020 was the highest-turnout election ever. Think about why that was.
The Hate Theory of Politics.: Ppl don't show up for a candidate they think is Ok. They might not show up for a candidate they like. They sometimes won't even show up for a candidate they love, depending. But they will drag themselves through broken glass to vote against a candidate they hate
Hard to believe he's only the second-worst candidate in this election...
Totally normal country
Here's what I fond so flabbergasting about the media going to bat so hard for Trump. Like sure, it's great for ratings in the short-term, but they do know what happens to the press under unconstrained authoritarian rule, right? Like, they gotta know what happens...
Here's what I fond so flabbergasting about the media going to bat so hard for Trump. Like sure, it's great for ratings in the short-term, but they do know what happens to the press under unconstrained authoritarian rule, right? Like, they gotta know what happens...
This is the person my conservative relatives try convincing me to listen to as a "reasonable" conservative...
round earther
My father was arrested when I was young for preventing election interference from the then ruling government. He would tell me we were lucky not to live in a country where he would have been killed for that instead…
I can't believe my great grandfather who died in a Russian gulag didn't think of just getting a court order allowing him to go free! ...oh right, it was the kangaroo court that sent him to the gulag in the first place....
I can't believe my great grandfather who died in a Russian gulag didn't think of just getting a court order allowing him to go free! ...oh right, it was the kangaroo court that sent him to the gulag in the first place....
constitutional lawyers use your fucking brain challenge
Some of y'all really need to study the Hayom Yom for the 23rd of Sivan and it shows!
Supreme Court rules 6-3 that Biden can use the self-checkout to scan the "fancy" oranges as bananas.
I was just thinking this this morning!
The Constitution says that in cases of impeachment, "the party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to indictment, trial, judgment and punishment, according to law." It does not except the president. But what impeachable offenses aren't covered by the new doctrine of immunity?
Too on-the-nose Headcanon Generator, too on-the-nose 😭
I didn't, but I would feel guilty about it if I did
Anyways, happy Canadian July 4th to all our friends north of the border! 🇨🇦🥌🍁🇨🇦
If you have any American friends or family members who is considering not voting for Biden, now is a good time to brush up on the laws of tochecha (rebuke). If you are an American who is considering not voting for Biden, kindly DM me so I can rebuke you directly
Expand the supreme court (by raising it's temperature until it undergoes phase transition from mostly solid to liquid and then gas)
Expand the Supreme Court (by dropping a large, heavy object on it from a great height)
/8 At any rate, congratulations to the Federalist Society for an achievement beyond the reach of the British, outside the grasp of bloody civil war, impossible to Nazis and Soviets and terrorists: defeating the American idea.
What kind of Bs are we talking about? A friendship that includes health, dental, and vision sounds awesome!
Ok I can use some distraction today. Keep it light-hearted and fun please, okay? 🤗
Well, I have a few and none are named Asher so I guess that's your answer?
Ok I can use some distraction today. Keep it light-hearted and fun please, okay? 🤗