
Please remember this useful chart when rating things online. How movie ratings work: β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… - Great! β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… - Good. β˜…β˜…β˜… - Eh, Not Bad. β˜…β˜… - Mediocre. β˜… - Garbage. How Uber/Lyft ratings work: β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… - Okay. β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… - Fire this person. β˜…β˜…β˜… - Fire this person. β˜…β˜… - Fire this person. β˜… - Fire this person.
Service ratings are so damn poisonous. I get survey calls every time I have a doctor's appointment, and I've yet to give anything but the highest ratings because I can almost hear a suit breathing heavily in hopes of an excuse to shitcan someone. A good word won't help much but better than nothing.
When I worked at Sprint, the higher-ups got mad that we’d advise customers to press 5 to give us the best score if they got a survey. So they made the surveys randomly swap 1 and 5 as the best score button. And didn’t tell us.
What an asshole move. Yeesh.
I bought a phone for my child, and the dude at the store was lovely, patient, did a great job. He asked if I’d be willing to answer a tiny survey about his service. I said sure. THEY SENT IT TO MY CHILD’S PHONE, and said child left all the fields blank and rated the guy 3 stars out of five. πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ
It wasn’t until I had a job that used a 1-10 scale rating where I learned that my standard 7 was basically a bad score. So now I give everyone a max score unless there’s actually a problem.
This goes for door dash and food delivery as well
Doesn’t work for gas stations, though.
Online shops as well. Tired of seeing okay products with 100 reviews that shows as 4.3 because someone got mad at the delivery service (not the sellers fault), someone else reviewed it as good then gave 2 stars, and someone else rated 1 star with no comment at all of what was wrong
Still, by itself 4.3 out of 5 seems pretty good, but in the context that you're in a space that encourages monopoly and wants any excuse to nuke you, and you're competing against 5 stars white label sellers, 4.3 is a death sentence
All of retail. Hell, my job just had an email about an employee killing themselves w/ a customers tire bc he didn't want to lose his 100% service rating, and took the tire and worked on it despite it Very Clearly not being a tire our shops service for Safety reasons. Died trying to keep a number.
Hotbox scoring is the most perniciously manipulative way to survey for any sort of information.
This is also how students understand grades.
Thank you Daisy! From: former rideshare and food delivery driver
Same for Airbnb but it makes it all meaningless and prevents people from being able to give honest feedback without being the asshole. I resent being manipulated into giving 5 stars. And of course you’re also rated back so there’s a gross dynamic there too.
We’ve a lawsuit in progress v Lyft. My dtr and I have service dogs and we’ve been left stranded by their drivers against the ADA law. Apparently, they do this a lot and really don’t care.
The only saving grace in this is that if a rider does nothing it automatically defaults to 5 stars. Also that drivers get to rate passengers on the same scale. I rated a racist passenger 1 star once with the reason why, and Uber sent her a message to stop being an ass or get kicked off the app.
Google maps too. A 3.9 restaurant? Absolute crap.
Yeah the only way someone is getting under 5 in a ride share is if I'm hate crimed. Even then I'll probably go with a 4 since they could learn and grow.
Like having country music on?
How videogames ratings work: β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… - Great! β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… - Good. β˜…β˜…β˜… - Eh, Not Bad. β˜…β˜… - Mediocre. β˜… - i was slightly inconvenienced by a minor part of your game
I remember seeing this graphic in the back of Uber driver's cars where they'd give examples of what each star means. I distinctly remember 2 stars being "Going twice the speed limit" like I'm sorry? 4 was "fire this person slowly" but twice the speed limit I think customer service should be involved
Refuse to rate anything using the lower scale.