
Statement from Joe Biden the dad as Hunter Biden’s trial on gun charges begins in Delaware (via Tyler Pager, WaPo)
It’s rote to say, but in no way could I ever see Trump making the same statement about any of his kids. Like he will immediately go “I don’t k ow who that is. I have never talked to them”.
"Donald Trump Jr., who? I can't say I know him...but my legal team and I are taking this very seriously and looking into all options for an illegal theft of the Trump name brand."
Once when he was advised that his financial shenanigans was creating a capital gains nightmare for when he passed, he simply said, “fuck the kids.”
I fully expect him to pass all of his money on to a trust that forces the kids to do incredibly offensive and demeaning things to earn each payment. Or worse - give it all to one kid and make them fight that one kid for their share.