dan sinker

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dan sinker


It's me.
For the last year I've been working with Akilah Hughes to make Rebel Spirit, a podcast about her quest to change her high school mascot from The Rebels, named after the confederacy, to The Biscuits. Trailer is out and I wrote a little about how our collab came together: dansinker.com/posts/2024-0...
Rebel Rebel | dansinker.com dansinker.com
30 years ago this month the first issue of Punk Planet came out. It's incredible that we did one issue let alone 80 over the following 13 years. In honor of the 30 year mark, I'm writing 13 essays, one of each year of the magazine, starting with Year One. dansinker.com/posts/2024-0...
30 Years of Punk Planet: Year One | dansinker.com dansinker.com
All 34 counts in the shittiest of the four cases, just absolutely hilarious
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Low level government employee: fuck, they’re gonna figure out I accepted this free chicken wing Alito: today I put strobe lights on my confederate flag
I need an endorsement deal for this Japanese fishing tackle.
This week I gave a talk at the 11ty International Symposium on Making the Web Real Good. It was about Question Mark, Ohio and about how the web is still a place of endless possibility. I've adapted the talk into a blog post for you. dansinker.com/posts/2024-0...
Building a Town that Doesn't Exist | dansinker.com dansinker.com
Today! It's the 11ty conference! I'm speaking around noon, about making 40 websites in a year for Question Mark, Ohio. It's free! Going all day! Come! www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLxJ...
The 11ty International Symposium on Making Web Sites Real Goodwww.youtube.com https://conf.11ty.dev/
RIP Steve Albini. Too shocked for words.
Reposted byAvatar dan sinker
I fell in love with @dansinker.bsky.social when I saw how he was building impeachment.fyi so I'm really excited to see he's going to be at @11ty.dev International Symposium on Making Web Sites Real Good next week. conf.11ty.dev
Eleventy’s International Symposium on Making Web Sites Real Goodconf.11ty.dev We’re running a conference — this is an 11ty Conference!
Reposted byAvatar dan sinker
This is the single funniest thing that an algorithm has ever done.
Pretty excited this news is finally out. I'm helping the Chicago Reader get their web experience as awesome as the rest of their reporting. The Reader was my first gig out of college. It's nice to come home. chicagoreader.com/reader/press...
Brian Boyer and Dan Sinker to lead product development sprint  - Chicago Readerchicagoreader.com Shawn Mulcahy and Charli Renken join the editorial team; Chasity Cooper and Alia Graham are promoted
I like being a person that has cultivated a brand so specific that I get questions like this. I don't like that I don't have a good answer for this one though.
Hey @dansinker.bsky.social if anyone would know, you would: what was up with all the clown sightings in 2016?
It was a lot of fun to get to ask Jonathan Coulton to write a song for a chapter of Question Mark, Ohio and even more fun when he said yes. bookmansmusic.com/about
Bookman's Music - Aboutbookmansmusic.com About
Question Mark, Ohio, the story novelist Joe Meno and I have been telling for the last nine months, launches its third and final part tomorrow. The final third is going to be a hell of a ride and it's not too late to get on. Here's a quick set of links to get started...
Reposted byAvatar dan sinker
Now and then something wonderful wanders out of the trash fire that is today's internet. Question Mark, Ohio is remarkable storytelling.
Part 3 of Question Mark, Ohio begins next week. The final third of this year-long story told across the Internet is so big and so exciting and I can't wait to share it with you. Get caught up with our Reader's Guide complete with episode summaries, character bios, and links. questionmarkohio.com
Reposted byAvatar dan sinker
Part 3 of Question Mark, Ohio begins next week. The final third of this year-long story told across the Internet is so big and so exciting and I can't wait to share it with you. Get caught up with our Reader's Guide complete with episode summaries, character bios, and links. questionmarkohio.com
Part 3 of Question Mark, Ohio begins next week. The final third of this year-long story told across the Internet is so big and so exciting and I can't wait to share it with you. Get caught up with our Reader's Guide complete with episode summaries, character bios, and links. questionmarkohio.com
Reposted byAvatar dan sinker
Cheap international postage and arrived within a week! Buy a patch from Dan. Support the Marginally Employed!
you should order a patch from me today! shop.dansinker.com
Sinker Shopshop.dansinker.com Sinker Shop
Reposted byAvatar dan sinker
What if next year is good? Wouldn't that be funny? Surprise me, motherfucker.
I'm quitting 2023. After 364 days, today will be my last day. My tenure here has not been a good one and I requested an exit interview with HR so that 2023 can understand why I'm leaving and, perhaps, how it might do better in the future. dansinker.com/posts/2023ex...
2023, The Exit Interview | dansinker.com dansinker.com
2023 was a lot of hard things, but losing Sinead O'Connor and Pee-Wee Herman within a few days of each other in July felt especially cruel. I wrote a small offering to the mystic and man-child that meant so much to those of us that grew up different: dansinker.com/posts/peewee...
Feel So Different, Remembering Sinead O'Connor and Pee-Wee Herman | dansinker.com dansinker.com
Genuinely amazed that anyone thought substack would change their mind over their very clear endorsement and support of nazis. I've avoided hosting on substack for *years* because of this. They're never changing. Hosting nazis is their whole deal.
god bless the united states postal service. tip your carrier this season.