
Low level government employee: fuck, they’re gonna figure out I accepted this free chicken wing Alito: today I put strobe lights on my confederate flag
As the child of federal employees. Yup.
Seriously. I have a friend in local government and I can't buy her lunch. Once at a party a conversation broke apart because they realized it could be considered a quorum. Fascists are the worst.
You know his boat horn plays Dixie.
Uncle Thomas: There Alito goes, giving it away for free when there's folks who'd pay for that.
I suspect Alito has been paid repeatedly
And I suspect Thomas would do it for free, the grift is just an additional spicy extra on top of the gigantic "FU" aimed at the legal profession, Yale, his undergrad classmates, the seminary he attended for a year, and all the kids he grew up with who gave him a hard time.
"I've screwed every goddamn one of you sanctimonious hypocrites, and I did it by stepping on your heads, and then they even paid me beyond your dreams when I would've done it for spite," is what I think he says to the world.
I don't think Thomas would do it for free at this point. A few years ago he started hinting that he was going to retire due to the "low pay", which is when the graft really started in earnest.
Oh, he's been complaining about low pay his entire career. It's how he solicits bribes. Here's an article about his last big "We're paid too low, could lead to resigning..." push. He's not resigning over that because what could he do that pays better than bribes?
A “Delicate Matter”: Clarence Thomas’ Private Complaints About Money Sparked Fears He Would Interviews and newly unearthed documents reveal that Thomas, facing financial strain, privately pushed for a higher salary and to allow Supreme Court justices to take speaking fees.
TOO REAL. "OMG where is the donation jar because I ate one of the provided Panera bagels!"
My dad the VA employee was the GOAT at "I just happen to have yet another Skilcraft government ballpoint pen in my shirt pocket today" and leaving the next morning with an empty pocket. But The Man never took him down!
Those pens are the fucking best. I took "happen" to have a few at home
It’s the mechanical pencils that make my heart sing
Mrs Landingham died adhering to the letter of the law!
Katherine Josten came to an emmy event at my place in 2001. I saw her coming up the stairs. Me: Mrs Landingham, you made me cry! KJ: Made me cry. I liked that part. Its ok. You can see me die on Scrubs next week.
Oh, that's awesome, thank you for sharing it!
A coworker of mine was investigated because he put a nice frame on a picture someone gave him and that must have been “a gift valued over $50.” Meanwhile the supreme court has billionaires funding their weekend trips to Maui or wherever.
I recently had to do my company's annual ethics and conflict of interest training. For shits and giggles I tracked how many things I was forbidden to do that Thomas and Alito have "allegedly" done. It was a pretty good list.
Alito: today I put the $27,000 strobe light system Leonard Leo got me on the genuine, battle-carried 1861 confederate flag given to me by a hedge fund manager who is really concerned about a FTC case we just granted cert on.
Can confirm as the child and grandchild of career civil servants, and interviewing to become a California state employee. My eyes are glazing over the conflict of interest forms for things like my game royalties and selling my art.
As an ex-employee of Massachusetts, yeah, ethics rules, whoa. Not only that, but I'm *still* subjected to those rules because in MA the exact same rules apply to *volunteers* on town committees.
I was a mid-level federal manager, and this is completely accurate.
Damn that's the way of it. Low-level gov't officials are wary of THANK-YOU CARDS. Ask me how I know.
Trying to figure out how to like this more than once. Corruption at the top is flagrant and pervasive, but “government ethics” is all about preventing clerks from eating sandwiches at working lunches.
Honey, where’s my white sheets and flags?
While blasting 🎵Onward Christian Soldiers🎵 from a concert speaker wall his wife installed in the front yard. Ya see, it’s really her fault. Isn’t that what wives are for?
“It was my wife who put up that Confederate flag, after she got into an argument with a Black neighbor”
I remember at one point the children’s librarians were not allowed to accept gifts from kids, including crafts. Big bribe potential from googly eyes and popsicle sticks until that asinine policy was rescinded
Thomas: I'm going to put a credit card reader on the door of my RV so I can collect my money by driving by billionaires.
When I was a 21yo congressional staffer, the company we ordered office supplies from used to send promotional cookies and tins of popcorn. The higher ups freaked out and asked the ethics office if it was ok.
Flashbacks to the horrible long VLC course on accepting gifts (tl:dr "don't"), especially after they stopped you from just rapid fire clicking "next" until you reached the "certify" page
and the strobe lights were generously donated by harlan crow of course
Christ yes. There needs to be an oversight org that SCOTUS fears more than the average postal worker fears getting caught up in a USPSIS sting.
Only one has a job for life though…creates some perverse permission structures
"That the baby seal clubbing lobby just up and gave me for "no reason"".
I am pushing carts in my sisyphean task of cart wrangling and afraid to lose my job because a customer offered a cold bottle of water during 100 degree heat wave Alito: Hey Leo, tell the maid to take down the flag from my Cancun rental you own, yea that one
This is always so funny to me, as a public school teacher who has a specific dollar amount limit on the value of gifts I can receive from students.
Have we checked his farm house yet?
That's just about right, sadly...
As long as they dipped it in blue cheese, not ranch, there's nothing to worry about.
Alito: Today "my wife" put strobe lights on "her" Confederate flag.
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