
I think it's quite the opposite. Every time Trump breaks a rule amd isn't held accountable the public is told he didn't do anything wrong. Jailing him is the clearest signal that he flouts rules and it would help voters update their perception of him
Got to disagree with Ruth Marcus here. There's no reason to believe that if Trump is jailed for contempt of court it will help him in a general election. An example of Trump's ability to get inside people's heads. Normal rules of politics do apply to Trump.
Opinion | How Trump could win the New York case — even if he The hush money case: Is Trump gaining the upper hand with voters?
Could not possibly agree more
It’s the people who say that punishing wrongful acts encourages wrongful acts, whereas permitting wrongful acts discourages wrongful acts, who are the real people with brain-worms today.
I think the people who honestly believe there's a Democratic plot to frame and imprison Trump is incredibly small. The number of citizens who believe, "People convicted of crimes are bad" is a lot higher.
Worse than that: it shows people that Trump is above the law. And some people are attracted to that kind of power.
There's really only one way to find out what effect it has.
We've tried NOT jailing him, and that seemed to simple encourage him to commit more crimes. It's time to try a different approach. (By jailing him)