
Someone needs to explain to the owner/political editors of the NYTimes what the introduction of a personalized autocratic regime means for their survival.
7/1/2024 will go down as one of the worst days in American history, and this is how the NYT website was covering it yesterday, under seven (7)(VII) articles about Biden's age.
If the Times thinks it can become the paper of record under Trump may I remind them that he gets angry at Fox News when it is not sufficiently loyal to him.
these chelsea brunchlords genuinely don't think authoritarianism will touch them, something disproven by any of a million history books
I want all these fucks to be destroyed in every way imaginable.
Anyone within reach of the NYPD should be particularly concerned imo.
authoritarianism goes badly for everybody, including, eventually, the authoritarians
Holding my phone upside down so Mussolini can read this
The sad reality is that they will likely navigate it, bc this is what people and corporations do under autocratic regimes.
They will try to stay on the regime's good side, keep selling subscriptions for games and cooking, and tell themselves that they are brave truth tellers bc they will publish Krugman columns. Worst case scenario, if the pressure gets too much, they will sell the company to a friend of the regime.
I know this because I have the historical memory of the Brazilian military dictatorship. The big media companies went along, many lent their support, and now they love to tell stories about the cryptic front page they once published, trying to get around the censors.
"at least I satisfied a petty gruuuuuuuuuuuuuudge..." as they're dropped from a helicopter into the sea