
Once again asking myself: why do I still read Noah Smith?
TL;DR: area opinion-have and noted Balaji-friend think Trump v. U.S. isn’t such a big deal, Trump’s inevitable victory won’t have much impact on domestic politics, and it’s just a bunch of leftist fear-mongering. Thank you for the expert insights, sir.
oh, he’s an expert legal scholar now?
It’s Wednesday. On Wednesdays he has a law degree. 🤷‍♂️
A great book could be written Outside Your Lane about social media personalities that say the dumbest shit about things that they have no knowledge of.
although he also says the dumbest shit about things he ostensibly has knowledge of
i guess i have this question: did something about media/columns/blogging between, say, 2001-2014 create a tendency for this kind of take? like, people had to have a contrarian take so there was a discourse and the link economy (esp. of bloggers) could work?
Omg. I saw this first and I was about to have a long talk with you until I realized this is some heathens article
He’d do well to more often follow the advice he memorialized in his username.
omg, new levels of uninformed take -- just every law professor screaming and he goes "no." i can't imagine my mind working like that, even though i'm plenty ignorant and stubborn about a lot of things.
need someone to write a short/medium-form take on the “market for zaggers” that folks like noah smith occupy
He's a leading internet fakespert! And a guilty pleasure...
I continue to be amazed by people who refuse to take Donald Trump either literally or seriously.
As a former Noah Smith reader, I sympathize.
I saw this, so I don't have his name muted... brb
I would mock you but I've done enough hate-reading in the last month that I would be mocking from a big ol' glass house. I don't know why hate-reading is a thing but we all have our weaknesses.
One of the few people who blocked me on Twitter. I never replied or QTed him but I did once reference him in a tweet with a typo that called him twee that I then jokingly referenced. He must have searched his name and decided my typo was blockworthy.
Smith is good on economics. He does the reading, and is good at analyzing strengths and weaknesses, and also summarizing for a non-technical readership. Unfortunately, the pressures of the pundit lifestyle incentive him to go beyond his domain of competence.
Yep 👆. It's why I'm letting my subscription lapse after only having it a year. Pity... not quite as painful as watching what 9/11 did to some folks, but in the same league.
perhaps you have a deep, yawning hole inside of yourself and it helps distract you for a moment from that fact? that's why i still read comment sections
I megablocked him in every possible way to save my own sanity
To prepare yourself for whenever David Leonhardt bases his essay in The Morning NYT newsletter around something insane Smith wrote
To give the rest of us warning.
I don’t know. I find him superficial and glib, and therefore often just dumb. Plus he has his head up his ass.
Clearly it's his irreverent, but trenchant, skewering of his fellow experts.