
Yeah, if you’ve got to do this much hand-waving, maybe your take needs more time in the oven.
I can't believe people are still writing stuff like this: "Likewise with Mr. Trump. Start with his stance on health care, which defies Democratic and Republican positions alike." Trump came one vote away from taking health care from millions.
Opinion | The Secret of Trump’s Appeal Isn’t It’s moderation.
"In the eyes of some conservative critics, Mr. Trump had lent credence to the case for reparations" is an actual line someone wrote.
"Mr Trump bravely stands outside the bipartisan orthodoxy by refusing to provide literally any details about his policies beyond promising they will be really good." - honestly, whoever wrote that should be subject to merciless ridicule by random strangers for at least a month.
Unbelievable that we're back to "he's actually secretly more liberal than Hillary".
When we get serious takes like this, I have to almost ask myself if some people honestly had amnesia from 2017-2021.
"Mr. Trump suggested using FM* to replace the Affordable Care Act..." * fucking magic
I love that he understood healthcare so poorly he stopped-clocked asked "wait why don't we use use Medicare for everyone" and Mitch McConnel's asshole puckeres tighter than a snare drum
I love looking at what he said rather than like the breadth of his actions and inactions.
And yet overcooked compared to a lot of NYT editorial content. I mean, this guy's website is 80% J.D. Vance is the Future fan-fiction.
Treating campaign lies as serious policy positions is a bit much
Have you seen the site you write for?
…time in the oven is still too much credibility… …the guy has no interest in leadership… position yes… revenge yep… anything beyond that… nope… …honestly… you’ve checked his story to death… how about something meaningful…
Mr Trump's relationship with the truth defies both his supporters and critics. While he constantly lies, he has also said he is the most honest man in the world.
I love that liberals conveniently forget that: 1. Obama used his great political capital to foist a right-wing think tank plan to force people to pay for crappy, overpriced coverage or pay heavy fines. 2. Biden had pandemic authority to order M4A. Liberals created Trump. 'Twas ever thus.