
The RNC voted in 2022 to pull out of the CPD and seek other debate partners. Biden team operated in that changed environment. It’s just odd to do a Norms check without mentioning that.
Incredible DC brain on display here. An EXTRAORDINARY break with Norms to ask for a different debate schedule. Is this Biden’s January 6??
It’s weird, I was at the 2022 RNC meeting where this happened and it got coverage but vanished from debate stories. When CPD released its 2024 debate schedule it was covered like a thing that was going to happen. It wasn’t!
Wait, you mean the NY Times writer is being critical of Biden and omitting clearly known recent historical context that would remove the basis for the criticism? This just can't be happening...
keep standing - I'm looking everywhere for your fainting couch!
At some point, the Times no longer gets the benefit of the doubt on this matter.
The NY Times and their reporters are quite simply dishonest at this point. They clearly just use things to score settle, not actually accurately inform people.
*political reporters. They have many good reporters but the folks running the show make sure that anybody directly involved with political coverage shares their dedication to getting Trump reelected.
I agree - I should have said that.
Also, norms aside, it was run by the League of Women Voters as recently as the late 80s, right? The idea that CPD is some sacred office is just silly, it's newer than snap bracelets.
Are any of these people aware of the fact the CPD was created because the League of Women Voters were going to allow the libertarian candidate join the debate because he met all of the requirements?
It takes so little effort to see that the real problem here is media people who already have the debates penciled into their personal calendars and don't want to have to change anything.
Norms only apply to dems tho so it’s business as usual
there is simply two sets of standards, one for republicans and one for democrats
Like is someone literally setting fire to one of the halls of government? No? Then norms are safe. Carry on.
Thank you! I’ve been scream this each time I see these reporter and pundits fail to mention this
NOW they give a fuck about the norms being defied…
You buried the lede: who is Lisa Lerer? 😜
Sadly, it's not even a little bit odd. I wish I had the magic power to make shameless people feel shame.
... I'm flabbergasted that this is simultaneously raised to Jan 6 levels?
the one instance you want them to "both sides" something.
As if this was the political norm everyone was concerned about...
The CPD only existed because the parties wanted debates out of the hands of the League of Women Voters. It already was a softball organization so this is really humorous that CPD was still too much for them.
I swear these people would fail kindergarten, twisting themselves into pretzels just to appear “balanced.” First ever attempted coup during power transfer: whatevs Changing debate schedule: OMG 🚨
C'mon, Dave... the New York Times...
Debates with crowds are inherently dumb and public policy is not the WWE. Nobody should offer to debate a carnival barker at a carnival.
trumpy and his sycophants take a shit on decorum & norms on a daily basis, but when Biden does something slightly out of the ordinary, the NYT is all:
It's a DuopolyScam by both Democrats & Republicans. Both conspire to keep Green Party & others off of ballots by going to court. Both control every aspect of voting & elections by making all the rules. We need to insist on paper ballots to bring back elections integrity. End the Electoral College.
Republicans are protected by norms but not constrained by them Democrats are constrained by norms but not protected by them
It's the New York Times. Their business does better when Liberals are panicking. They want Trump to get elected to enjoy that "the world is ending" boost to their subscriptions. I don't have any other explanation for their poor standards. It's hard to believe that it's just incompetence.
THANK YOU, I mean I feel like I'm going mad