
Every week, a version of this cycle. 1) Dems worry that Biden isn’t winning on economy. 2) Biden holds events about economy. 3) Nobody gives a damn. 4) Trump says something crazy. 5) Biden team reacts. 6) News coverage. 7) Dems worry about Biden reacting to Trump instead of talking economy.
“Dave, aren’t you in the media?” I am! I don’t really chase those Trump Said a Thing stories. But I notice what plays.
Not me, man, Biden roasting Trump is great politics. That dude's a freak and he's got the loser stink!
It's all so hollow. "Conservative Democrat roasts Reactionary Fascist for saying quiet part out loud" isn't particularly inspiring. Tell me when Biden orders his DOJ to go after DeSantis for bus-napping refugees. Or Thomas for accepting bribes. Or Noem for shooting that dog. The rest is hot air.
You call Biden "conservative". The majority of the US calls him "excessively liberal". I'm not saying you're wrong to think of him like that, but you should also consider that you are to the left of 90% of this country, and moving to the left will very much not help his reelection chances.
The "majority" doesn't say any such thing. You're pulling that straight out of your ass.
I think there's a reason the Democrats' mascot is, literally, an ass.
So, maybe not strictly a "majority", according to that poll, but more people view the Democrats as "extreme" than Republicans. Your politics aren't anywhere close to the majority. That's not to say that your politics are wrong, just that a lot needs to change among US voters before they're viable.
I'd be curious to get under the hood and see what they asked, but the poll is paywalled. That said, I can list a multitude of policies that are both identified as progressive and incredibly popular.
Data for
you gotta look up how each candidate is perceived vs. their party not just perceptions of party
Biden spent more than half his career calling HIMSELF the most conservative Democrat. That the GOP spent the same 40+yrs equating even conservative Dems with communists, socialists, radicals in people's minds is a different thing.
Durbin impeach Thomas hearings when brother
I wouldn't call 2022 a successful election. Democrats lost the House. Nationwide, the GOP got 3 million more votes than the Dems in House elections.
you mean the red wave where the GOP was supposed to take 5 or 6 Senate seats and Dems got a +1?
We still lost, but not as badly as people predicted. But that means it's still a loss. Winning means majorities in both chambers, not losing while beating the bookies' point spread. Dems had less power after than before, so it's a loss.
It seems some commentators are still focused on the D success in the Senate and helpfully overlook that redistricting in e.g. New York State helpfully abetted to the R takeover of the House.
If 2022 wasn't a successful election by American political standards/history, what would have been enough for you?
If Democrats had held onto a majority in the House, that would have satisfied me as a successful election. It is impossible for me to see losing the House as a success for the Democrats.
That would have been a wildly ahistorical outcome for a midterm election though. That is a very, very, very high standard.
It's common for the party in power to have an unsuccessful midterm election, but that doesn't mean we should redefine "success" to mean losing.
My unsolicited suggestion: Don’t run on the economy because too many people are still struggling and it feels like gaslighting to them. Run on abortion; tell people Republicans are freaks who want to ban birth control.
All those dorks coming out of the woodwork to say "uh heh WELL, if you look at this graph, the economy is doing GREAT, actually" are so annoying
You can't run on the strength of the economy because the gains have gone to the bottom of the economic ladder more than they historically have. And the majority really liked the savings they enjoyed when the poorest worked for less
I feel like a lot of podcasts are like “Hey is Biden’s support of Israel endangering his chances in Michigan” and then the guests spend 20 minutes Gregorian chanting “inflation is the only thing that matters”
So what is the plan for convincing news media to cover the economy more than the reactions to Trump? The public's perceptions of the economy are vastly out of line with the facts, so how do we get news to effectively convey the facts about the economy?
A majority of Americans polled believe the economy is in a recession — but it isn' Inflation and politics appear to be driving the disconnect between Americans' view on the broader economy and reality.
Stoller argues in his latest post that much of the Biden economic case is getting kneecapped by the press secretary and ultimately the chief of staff. Trumpeting good economic performance, but mostly no comment on policy and legal actions to fix things that are currently wrong.
It is funny and true but a real conundrum. Almost everyone votes their pocketbook, but boring subject to talk about. People need to FEEL it selfishly in their own wallets. Also ppl are pessimistic. It was always better before or in the future. Argh - I have no answers
There are few signals that a politician is out-of-touch with their base that are stronger than "the economy is doing well".
🎯 going nowhere fast… gotta shake it up
That the media spin not what is really going on....
When Trump unleashes his nut bags against the media again, will your colleagues care then?
GOP projects everywhere. Why would mainstream media be any different in regards to that?
Forget economy, I can’t believe Dems are still allowing Rs to hump the word “freedom” while quite the opposite is true.