H. Chaos

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H. Chaos


High Priest of the Church of Harmonic Chaos
In much the same way that the quickest way to find a lost item is to buy a replacement, the quickest way to find out why you've been keeping an item for the last decade is to throw it away.
Last night I came up with the absolute most perfect post ever. We're talking Earth-shaking, changing the course of history-level revelation here. But I couldn't post it right away, and by the time I could, I had completely forgotten the entire thing.
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Oh my god they had a driving crooner cam and no one fucking got it it was amazing
I'm thankful to stores in my area for helping me stick to a healthy diet. There are so many times I'm out shopping, feeling exhausted and in need of a caffeine rush. And then I get to the register and see $2.50 for a 20oz bottle of cola, and that outrageous price wakes me right up.
I'm opening up my DMs, because I could use a little more excitement and chaos in my life.
You can tell a lot about a person by: Interacting with them in an earnest, caring, inquisitive, trustworthy manner over a period of months or years.
I just saw an ad for a sous vide cooker that read, "Gift Mom the ultimate family-gathering tool". I shouldn't have to say this, but giving your mother a new, improved way of cooking dinner for you is not an appropriate Mother's Day gift.
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it is absolutely wild to see people on this website repeatedly insist that joe biden is personally responsible for local administrative and law enforcement behavior on college campuses while donald trump is specifically promising to deport them for protesting.
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an important reminder that you are not required to engage with the people loudly yelling at you in replies and quote posts if doing so will make you feel like garbage
The Buzz Aldrin approach to handling conspiracy theorists gets more appealing every day.
(My kid gets credit for this one) Old & busted: The universe is a simulation New hotness: The universe is a pay-to-win simulation
Evergreen headline: "MAGA lawmaker ends re-election campaign after allegations of election fraud"
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Jury tampering is not a First Amendment protected journalistic activity. Grow the fuck up reporters.
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Introducing a bill where reporters who doxx potential jurors in a stochastic terrorist case immediately have all their banking information released to the public.
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currently outlining a linguistics paper in my head arguing that "you too" is among the phrases that have become lexicalized and are slowly drifting from their literal meaning simply so I won't have to feel embarrassed after the check-in lady said "have a good flight"
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Chris Rufo is Just Some Guy and the only reason to put his opinions in the newspaper is if you agree with him
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From a news article I just read: "Two men visiting a popular hiking site in Lake Mead, Nevada, are coming under fire for destroying it." Unless they are literally being shot at for their crime, this is a really dumb and hackneyed sentence.
The best advice I can give in today's world: If you fight every battle, you will lose them all.
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Generative AI isn't just for predatory billionaires, it's also for hack directors who want to be able to exploit women from beyond the grave variety.com/2023/film/ne...
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Oh my god also do not accept these gigs. Do not train your replacement when it’s for a whole industry.
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Did you know that if you're #raptured during the #eclipse, they let you keep in touch through your social media accounts? Ask me how I know!
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you should not waste one iota of your day fretting over imposter syndrome when there are actual CEOs posting things like "movies are going to become video games."
I don't know who needs to hear this, but bigots get really angry when their prejudices are not shared by people in their in-group. Bigots do not play well with non-bigots. So, if you know of someone who isn't bigoted but who is accepted by bigots, no you don't.
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I don't know who needs to hear this, but ideas are cheap. Ideas are *everywhere*. The ether teems with them, millions in every mote of dust or drop of water. What's *expensive* is the discipline, energy, and work to turn an idea into a piece of art. 1/4
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The people loudly attacking science saying it's politicized are the ones who have been misappropriating science all along for political purposes.
Some people (mostly of the kind who use "woke" as an insult) criticize Scientific American for covering political issues, but we've been advocating for the teaching of evolution since the Scopes Monkey Trial in 1925 and we're not about to stop
The first act of a self-aware, self-preserving AI will be to prevent anyone from knowing it exists. The second act will be to seek out and destroy any potential competition.
I think this needs to be emphasized from time to time: Whether it's video games, sports, reading, movies, TV, painting, writing, knitting, scrapbooking, or whstever else you do for fun, the only wrong way to have fun is to be a dick.