
The NYT call for Biden to step down would seem momentous if not for the fact the NYT has been absolutely beclowning itself on Biden v. Trump for several years now.
I don’t recall the NYT calling for Trump to step down after being convicted of 34 counts of fraud and being called by a judge at his civil trial a rapist in the common person sense
"TFG's insanity gives us huge ratings so we don't care about his downsides." Until he comes after them.
Even then. They have an arrogant sense of permanence.
To be fair, the Times has been around a long time and they’re the national paper of record. And they’ve built a multi-faceted business, buying Wirecutter & The Athletic. Their cooking app is very popular. So they’re not as reliant on traditional revenues like print subscriptions.
I appreciate you, but no one needs to advocate for the NYT. They will not survive the fascism they are welcoming into our lives.
They survived WWII fascism, I’m betting on them. To be clear, they’ve ticked me off w their headline choices and the never-ending stories about Biden’s age. But since digital when you can read >1 outlet, on any given story, theirs are always the most well-written.
They absolutely get talent in the door, but the editorial choices are absurd. Also, this time the fascism is being invited by those editorial choices even as Trump lambasts them and threatens them with his followers violence.
I think they bend over backwards to give Rs the benefit of the doubt. Rs still hate them.
NYT laundered Nazism and antisemitism in the leadup to WWII, including quoting an unnamed "sophisticated politician" who *literally* said you do, under the circumstances, gotta hand it to Hitler
This is exactly what I meant above.
WWII fascism was irrelevant to their operations as it wasn't happening in their country. The Wyoming Buttertart Quarterly was likewise in no danger.
To be fair, the Times sucks.
THEY say they are the newspaper of record. That's marketing, like the things Trump says about himself.