
The NYT call for Biden to step down would seem momentous if not for the fact the NYT has been absolutely beclowning itself on Biden v. Trump for several years now.
I don’t recall the NYT calling for Trump to step down after being convicted of 34 counts of fraud and being called by a judge at his civil trial a rapist in the common person sense
Nor did they ask Republicans to drop him for the sake of the nation. Drop a convicted felon and someone found liable for rape. For the sake of the nation.
And the insurrection. A whole plan in place to overthrow the will of the people and keep him president
Simple Boyish pranks perhaps?
The NYT has issues but “The jury’s decision, and the facts presented at the trial, offer yet another reminder — perhaps the starkest to date — of the many reasons Donald Trump is unfit for office.” after his conviction seems clear.
Opinion | Donald Trump, The former president’s conviction in a New York criminal trial revealed, yet again, why he is unfit for office.
A few years ago, Jon Lovett floated a theory that media treats Democrats like protagonists - to be challenged, accounted, and forced to be behave in growth-oriented ways - while the GOP are treated like antagonists - immutable, expected to disrupt, thematic obstacles. Thinking about that a lot.
Calling for Biden to drop out, but not Trump, sure sounds like the kind of thing a fundamentally Trumpist newspaper would do. As usual, the Times is confusing only if you buy their branding as centrist or left-leaning.
"TFG's insanity gives us huge ratings so we don't care about his downsides." Until he comes after them.
Even then. They have an arrogant sense of permanence.
To be fair, the Times has been around a long time and they’re the national paper of record. And they’ve built a multi-faceted business, buying Wirecutter & The Athletic. Their cooking app is very popular. So they’re not as reliant on traditional revenues like print subscriptions.
I appreciate you, but no one needs to advocate for the NYT. They will not survive the fascism they are welcoming into our lives.
They survived WWII fascism, I’m betting on them. To be clear, they’ve ticked me off w their headline choices and the never-ending stories about Biden’s age. But since digital when you can read >1 outlet, on any given story, theirs are always the most well-written.
To be fair, the Times sucks.
THEY say they are the newspaper of record. That's marketing, like the things Trump says about himself.
In their defense, the title appeals to Biden’s desire to serve his country, and there’s no reason to believe Trump has any such desire.
No, they certainly didn't. It's enough to make you wonder if the fix is in. Rigged, one might almost say.
They really should thou just because the US is trapped between an open fascist idiot conman, and anything that moves doesn't mean people can ask for a better alternative if they don't get one that just means they are getting fucked over on all accounts
that would have been partisan, you see
The NYT has issues but “The jury’s decision, and the facts presented at the trial, offer yet another reminder — perhaps the starkest to date — of the many reasons Donald Trump is unfit for office.” after his conviction seems clear.
Opinion | Donald Trump, The former president’s conviction in a New York criminal trial revealed, yet again, why he is unfit for office.
This editorial doesn't call for Trump to stand down or for the GOP to not nominate him. A felon and a traitor and they couldn't be faffed.
That is not the editorial board asking him to step down.
Due to Joe Biden's age, the New York Times Editorial Board must endorse the candidacy of Donald Trump.
That's probably because it doesn't hurt his electoral chances, dark web mall cop
“The soft bigotry of zero expectations.”
To be fair, we were all screaming for that as soon as he was convicted.
They also know better than to think he would ever “step down.” Biden on the other hand might be reachable by a plea for the good of the nation.
Not exactly, but they did make it pretty clear they believe he’s unfit to serve and that even if Republican “leadership” is too afraid to reject him, the American public should. See, for instance, their take here:
Opinion | Donald Trump and American Donald Trump is enjoying the same guarantees of fairness and due process before the law that he sought to deny to others during his term.
The NYT is pro Trump IMP. Thats why.
The NYT is kissing his ring because they don't want to be on his retribution hit list. The GOP ban books now, soon editors, publishers, writers...
I think the media have sort of given up on the GOP acting with any kind of integrity or Trump acting with any decency. So when Trump lurches from indefensible thing to indefensible thing, the media just shrugs. Trump acting like a jackass just isn't news. It's a day that ends in "y."
I’m sure they will do so when a single-point drop in his support is projected (not actually detected).
They don’t like to rush into things.
Why would they do something so pointless? They're shitty liberals being shitty liberals but it is for the conservative media to demand conservative candidates stand down.
Oh, I'm pretty sure the Times would have done that if it didn't realize that would be as effective as calling for the Pope to convert to Islam. Whatever little influence it has, the NYT is trying to keep Trump from being reelected, so suggesting it is somehow playing favorites for Trump is absurd.