
They want to do this so bad
Yeah that is absolutely the energy
they have the same stylist as these two (derogatory)
Martha-Ann would use a knife or some sort of melee weapon, for her it’s personal
My mom is also a flag-American. I would say she has 80 different flags she displays to commemorate different occasions. But most of them involve the Cincinnati Reds or Bengals, the Xavier basketball team, Snoopy or Woodstock or Garfield commemorating a holiday,etc. why must they ruin this hobby?
Imagine striking up a conversation with a fellow flag enthusiast, telling them about your Garfield flags, and they start spelling out "vergogna" for you. Nightmare.
Wherein the conversational partner, hearing the labored pronunciation of ‘vergogna’, takes you to be choking on an olive and gestures wildly for her husband to come do the Heimlich
guy a short distance down the road from me likes to cycle through happy face flags and the like throughout the year. can't imagine having a hobby like that and getting lumped in with the gadsden flag chuds and worse.
When I’m out for a run and someone has a flag out that isn’t horrifying I enjoy it. There’s a guy that inexplicably flies the Isle of Man flag down the street. I need to know more.
Is he a motorcycle enthusiast?
Hmmmm. I haven’t noticed a bike but that would explain it
Talking to the Baseball Crank of Vexiollogists.
Expressing white nationalism through the medium of semaphore
White flags all the way down
Million dollar idea: Vergogna flag with a pride background and her frowning face surrounded by flames.
Imagining Robyn disappearing like Homer into the hedge
I have a not polite chief wahoo flag that I can’t part with because I saw CC Sabathia win like 13 straight games that I attended in college. I hope nobody ever learns about my flag. I should delete this, actually.
You should display your flag but shake your head at it disapprovingly every time you're outside.
In my view you can put it up in your basement as a memento but maybe strike it when company is over.
Garfield loves a baked vergogna
Oh, my gosh, that's like how when you finally come across a fellow Magic: The Gathering fan out in the wild, and then all they talk/care about is Commander. See also: Motion City Soundtrack, but they just want to talk about the hit singles.
we used to own a 1740s house built by a man who was involved in carpenter's hall, and a king's armorer, who defected during the revolutionary war. i was so excited to hang a Don't Tread on Me flag outside it. then i (who had been living abroad) remembered that the tea party happened…
Yeah there are a couple that have been taken out of circulation.
it's a lot more than that. they are tainted and ruined… the regular flag is (now even more) tainted too. if you were stranded in the middle of nowhere and had 2 houses to choose from, 1 with an american flag and one with no flag, which would you choose?
MAA is the only old white lady who has never been invited to a baby shower
The only flag I salute is the official AKC Pomeranian flag. Everything else is an invalid admiralty flag.
I think a lot of suburban moms are flag enthusiasts, across the political spectrum
My mom has traversed the political spectrum (in the correct direction) over the last 25 years. I need to get her an Antifa flag to really bug the neighbors.
My mom expressed her MSNBC watcher bonafides by flying the Ukrainian flag.
Ok well I’m ordering her one
I went to a pride parade last weekend and I spent an inordinate amount of time on my phone looking up like, rainbow confederate flags and pride flags with huge pot leafs on them
"everything that exists outside of her control, and so outside of her permission." - is this a "Blood Meridian" reference to The Judge or im just an old ass Cormac readin' dad who's seein ghosts like Sam Darnold
there's a new guy on my block--a troop and owner of numerous bumper stickers regarding what a good troop he was-- and he has a flag for seemingly every week. But even this guy is just putting up, like, a sunshine flag for summer, or a smiling Easter bunny. Good flag decorum
Yeah it's amazing how far just Being Normal can get you even when you're doing stuff like this.
I've been doing the seasonal flag & bunting thing on our front porch for 2-3 years now. The thought that anyone might associate this with whatever the Alitos are doing really rankles me. My wife & kids gently roast me for this little hobby, and rightly so. But that should be the end of it.
now more than ever, normal flag guys have to stand their ground
Next the woke left will tell me I can’t fly my “Cleveland Can’t Hold Our Johnsons” bootleg Bengals flag
the dying art of just being normal
I remain adamant that just having a flag pole at your personal residence is per se sicko shit.
truly: Happy Pride to us all!
“I make up flags in my head to satisfy myself” is such a weird thing to boast about. Even if the flags she was making up weren’t bigoted garbage.
Don't knock it till you try it.
I enjoy your writing so damn much!
bonus points for referencing one of my favorite Simpsons episode!
It would be a real shame if any of Alito's neighbors also watched that episode and got ideas.
"Anyway, it's a nice thing to think about, someday being able to raise a flag above your home that tells the neighbors that you think they are disgusting and going to hell." It's really something to learn that some people have a vastly different operational definition of 'nice to think about'
Hi David, I have a question that (rightly?) assumes you came up with the headline here: When you include a Simpsons reference in the headline, what goes through your mind when you see a comment that includes the next line of the episode? As a commenter it makes me feel like Pavlov’s dog!