
Mark Penn's complaining is the most hopeful sign I've seen in months that Biden will be re-elected. (I joke - but if you actually want someone to be on the outside of your campaign pissing in, rather than vice-versa, it is Mark Penn)
No Labels utterly collapsed & he has no play left. He's a joker's joker.
Wait, he's the guy behind "No Labels"? Aka "I'm so pissed that Biden doesn't NEED me that I wanna give Trump FOUR MORE YEARS!"? That guy?
Without reading it, I can predict that he wrote that Biden has gone too far to the left and needs to move hard right, crack down on protesters, stop talking about diversity, appoint a bunch of white people, and get a white VP, and really stop listening to Black people ever.
That, and he says Biden needs to stop his "extreme climate policies" (which is something that never gets said about the people who want to consign us to environmental ruin, only those who try to stop it). Oh, and "close the border."
Lmao ‘the climate is going to shit’ is one of the few things that most Americans agree on, and the thing that regularly concerns young voters the most, definitely we should abandon it. Oh also it’s a jobs creation and consumer subsidy program so you know, super unpopular.
Interesting how he had to go back nearly 20 years to find an impressive campaign he participated in. I wonder if that provoked any reflection in him?
Under the author biography part it should read Mark Penn played a major role in losing a completely un-losable Democratic primary and charged something like $40 million to do so.
But I thought it was all about the money, money, money!
Well. It was completely losable because Obama was a great candidate and Clinton was not. But yeah Penn didn’t help.
if these guys were required to have a link to their fuckups under their headlines they'd be unusable to the NYT
It’s like Bretbug telling Biden he screwed up on Isreal. The right assholes are being pissed off
It's a measure of Mark Penn's incompetence that his last venture basically depended for success on appealing to the vanity of the most pompous wankers in American politics and the willingness of political consultants to act like amoral mercenaries and he still fucked it up.
Oh I remember, his invaluable advice helped Hillary Clinton coast to victory in the 2008 presidential election!
Did the same in the 2016 Election, didn't he? Oh...wait....
Mark Penn: Move right to capture the median White voter. Don't worry about pissed-off people of color & progressives. It is a truth universally acknowledged that no matter how frustrated they are, they will come around and vote for the Democrat in November, so you can safely take them for granted.
It is a truth universally acknowledged that there are votes so important they will cost a candidate the election, and yet so marginal that no one should try to win them.
A "7 minute read"? You know what else I could be doing for 7 minutes?
Yes, but do you clog up your toilet afterwards?
I like this narrative that non-voters are somehow the Democratic base.
mark penn: when you want the slightly newer model james carville
VOTERS DEMAND AUSTERITY MEASURES & BALANCED BUDGETS lol ok Mark at this point even the goddamn GOP has figured out that "cut taxes for obscenely rich people" isn't a winning message (they still do it, but quietly) because.. statistically there aren't, actually, that many obscenely rich voters.
Why is Mark Penn still here?
Sample sentence: "The results that quickly dissipated." Penn should have learned from Kristi Noem and proofed thing after Mark Halperin wrote it.
If you’ve ever worked on a successful presidential campaign, the media assigns you “seer” status for the rest of your life. Of course, they also do that for people who have never won a goddamned thing.
You mean Mark "All Heil Micro$quash and Hillary Rodham Clinton" Penn? The OTHER reason we have former (Thank the Gods!) President Donald Trump to deal with...? Yeah, I wonder if he's still peddling "Scroogle".