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Old school IT engineer, weather gazer, Padres sufferer. RIP Heidi (Oct ‘23) & Wolfgang (Jan ‘24). I talk about CHF & Parkinsons cause I have them. USAF vet.
Timeline cleanse Guess who was late giving out corn? Didn’t know sheep could tell time huh?
The “your foot is my pillow” Rez doggie.
So *this* must be what it’s like to stand on stage addressing a Trump rally.
Don’t know quite what the bees are up to, but the birds have been busy. Got 3 nests/bird houses around outside the house with babies in them. House sparrows, it seems.
2 of our Rez non-sheepdogs (Barney L, Dozer R) ironically helping me watch the sheep flock. They’re absolutely no good at it, like to ride in the UTV mostly, but will chase the occasional delinquent cow.
We had to replace our ram last year for our flock of 20 out here on the Navajo Rez. So he’s a western something with 4 horns. Very pleasant dude though, shown here smiling when I told him about the 5 lambs he sired.
Being an ABQLGND with Arizona plates is certainly a take. On the bright side, perhaps it’s still available for those ABQ legends with you know, New Mexico license plates.
Just like Bill Murray said about Americans in “Stripes” …
Saw my first Tesla Cybertruck in the wild - sort of. 4 or 5 were on transport carrier unloading at the Tesla dealership in Bernalillo, NM (on Santa Ana Pueblo technically). Parked with ~80-100 cars already there. Fugly.
You can guarantee this will be a requirement if Trump appoints the Secretary. Plus, they have to track people or their whole grant system won’t work.
Britt wants to find a way to fix the “maternity care deserts” in Alabama that her & her right wing buddies have created. Which nothing in this bill will actually do.
Pour one out for the 5 Rez lambs here who unknowingly attended Tail Docking / Castration Day today. Luckily, there were 4 gals and just 1 guy … though that guy (far left in photo) isn’t feeling all that lucky right now.
Always is amusing to see how dog-tired the sheepdogs are after a busy day riding herd on the 24 Rez sheep & goats. From R-to-L Bear (~14yo), Bonnie (20 months), & her brother Clyde. They do good work, though.
Took Bonnie, our female sheep pup, to Torreon Chapter House on Friday to get fixed & shots from Soul Dog. (Couldn’t catch her brother Clyde) Found this puddle of puppies there, all getting fixed, mama too. Awwww.
Here’s Bonnie, loaded in the truck for the ride home. They gave her a relaxant as well as recovering from the anesthesia, so she was 3 sheets+ to the wind. 🤪
The view at 8am of the overnight snow remnants here at 6600ft 5 miles south of Ojo Encino. High of 71 Friday, only 41 today. Wheee, springtime. #nmwx
Springtime in New Mexico - first time the 6 lambs & mamas have gone out grazing with the rest of the flock. The 2 groups don’t work as a unit just yet, so have to play shepherd. But I’m David, so that’s okay.
Oh, we know all about the Ivy League here in New Mexico don’t we folks? 14 over a 3, Harvard’s first ever win in NCAAs & over a top 10 team. UNM hasn’t won a tourney game since.
Suppose people could read the privacy rules each app follows, but that’s too much trouble for some. Why, here from Apple are TikTok’s, YouTube’s, and the King of Collectors Facebook’s. (Seriously, the See Detail on FB scrolls and scrolls and scrolls …) But who needs privacy laws?
This storm cell blew through about 5:30pm and we got graupeled at 6600 feet. South of Ojo Encino NM.
Shouldn’t this be called “Pre-Gatorade”?
Musk is so divorced even someone else’s ex triggers him. And if the SOB would get his ass to Mars he could stop worrying about Western Civilization.
By the way, KOB feels your apostrophe pain. Did make me chuckle a little.
I’m glad somebody is keeping track! This paragraph on Wikipedia about Twisters is pretty boring, till you get to the amusing yet puzzling last line.