
This is the climate policy we get with a court system invested in a dictatorship of Republicans: the President has total immunity and absolute power...unless he's a Democrat & does something good for the country.
Judge Orders Biden Administration to Resume Permits for Gas President Biden had paused new natural gas export terminals to assess their effects on the climate, economy and national security. A federal judge disagreed.
I mean fuck it - just don’t.
Like what are they gonna do? It’s an official act.
Who cares? It’s an official order, he has immunity now.
I don't believe the courts would actually defer to Bjden or any other Democrat like that
What if a ninja-missile-laden Reaper were holding nearby?
In case it needs saying, I’m shitposting. And I will keep shitposting until SCOTUS stops shitposting as well.
the court is welcome to try to enforce it
What I wouldn’t give for dems to try though. So tired of rolling over!
It is all just Constitutional Calvinball. The Supremes know they can rely on Dems not to abuse the absurd powers they grant, because we always uphold the Marquis of Queensbury rules even as they shank us.
Biden should laugh in their faces and dare them to do anything to him when he refuses to carry out their order. SCOTUS has no way of enforcing their decisions. That is the job of the Executive branch. To whom they have given total immunity. Oh, the irony!
Exactly. And he can’t be tried for not obeying.
Listening to 54 Pod opened my eyes to this - the judges pick the outcome they want and concoct nonsensical “arguments” to justify it. Republican justices serve the Republican Party and a right wing movement with an unpopular agenda nearly everyone detests.
Republican SCOTUS just gave Biden power to say “no” without fear of prosecution.
Nah. They don't really believe that — it's an immunity that only exists for Republicans.
And before someone says “well he should do as many things as possible to establish what’s an official act and what’s not” they aren’t exactly following precedence
are Roberts and Thomas going to show up to arrest him personally? the court cant enforce any of their rulings without the executive
Now would be the perfect time for him to start flexing that muscle as an exercise. But, I don't expect he will.
Marbury v. Madison was illegitimate
Well he’s immune so he can tell them to go pound sand.
I'm shocked they made it through the entire story without discussing his age even once.
Plenty of actually decent reporters out there who want to talk policy. They just don't tend to get placement in the same way as ones who curry favor
It's the judge's ruling. Let him enforce it.
The hypocrisy of the energy sector cannot be understated. These are strategic resources.
First off, Texas has been ignoring a SCOTUS order for some time now so there is precedent for President Joe Biden to ignore this order. Second, immunity. So fuck SCOTUS. They no longer represent our country in any way shape or form.
Not precedent, but justification
SCOTUS just said the president is king. Maybe Biden should be like, “Off with his head.” Trump wldnt get to be first prez to shoot somebody in the middle of 5th avenue & get away w:it. Using police powers to enforce policy might colorably be an official act. /s for those who should know better
Oh look, they want their cake and to eat it too. Why should he stop? What are they going to do, write a sternly worded letter? He's got presidential immunity now, according to SCOTUS. If democracy has to fall, at least Biden can try to do something good for as long as he has the means.
It’s a dual edge sword. Imperial presidency when GOP is power and rule by right wing courts when dems are in power after gutting Chevron.
That's typically the opposite of the meaning of the term "dual edged sword." It COULD be a dual edged sword, wherein Biden abuses his power (for good, or at least less bad than Republicans) because SCOTUS said he can. But he just said he won't.