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Stay gold Ponyboy
Reposted byAvatar Cassarollagirl
jodie foster remains unimpressed
Reposted byAvatar Cassarollagirl
WTF. The electric company in Texas doesn't have a map of outages so people have been using the Whataburger App to figure out who lost power. This is like when Homer was using the Krusty Burger map when they got lost at sea.
Reposted byAvatar Cassarollagirl
The Iranians did not vote the ayatollahs to power in 1979, and since then, there have been no real elections. Americans seem to be stupid enough to vote very similar religious extremists into power. That is going to be your last election.
Reposted byAvatar Cassarollagirl
Reposted byAvatar Cassarollagirl
Why I Don't Vote (OK, I Do Vote, but I Would Like to Discourage You, NY Times Reader, For Doing So For Some Reason) Via
Man, if it turns out that the right winger telling NY Times readers that they should follow his example and not vote did in fact vote in the last two elections, the Times should add this to the piece. Better than a retraction, since it illustrates a willful hypocrisy.
Reposted byAvatar Cassarollagirl
Biden is too old. But he has surrounded himself with competent people and has had a conventional first term. Trump is authoritarian but inept. He has surrounded himself with people he hopes will make him more effective at authoritarianism. Neither is ideal. But these are not similar problems.
I cannot stress this enough!
Also it seems that people assume Biden's unpopular positions must mean that Trump has a popular alternative even when he has a much worse position
Reposted byAvatar Cassarollagirl
oh my god there's a chinese knockoff of the cybertruck and somehow the cybertruck looks like a cheap knockoff of it
Reposted byAvatar Cassarollagirl
Reposted byAvatar Cassarollagirl
Honestly, this is almost the most Republican thing ever: “I will make life much harder on a bunch of Americans in a way that will not benefit any of you in the slightest.”
Yeah, this seems worth avoiding.
Reposted byAvatar Cassarollagirl
You just so rarely see a Priest body someone so hard
Reposted byAvatar Cassarollagirl
"Mr. Brecheen was 22 years old on 9/11 and a healthy, able-bodied young man. He could have enlisted that day or in the many years afterward, but he did not. He declined to serve. But more than 300,000 women *have* enlisted since 9/11."
The Curious Cowardice of Josh What a coward.
😂 off to rewatch Archer!
Every day Hunter Biden is accused of something Sterling Archer would have a three second flashback about
Reposted byAvatar Cassarollagirl
Even if for some reason you don’t think generative AI is copyright theft, or don’t care about the industries it disrupts and jobs it destroys, or aren’t bothered by the very low quality of what it actually produces, its environmental impact alone should be enough to quit using it.
Before you use that chatbot prompt, you should be aware that these generative AI companies are using so much power that they're trying to get more power plants built.
Reposted byAvatar Cassarollagirl
they should let Raichik host SNL so every one can see what an idiot she is
Reposted byAvatar Cassarollagirl
The essence of conservatism is that there is a core group that that law protects but does not bind, and all others, whom the law binds, but does not protect. Samuel Alito & his ilk want sectarian exemptions for all acts of Christian extremism & bigotry.
Reposted byAvatar Cassarollagirl
One of my wise friends once said of UNDERCOVER BOSS, “The final frontier of corporate greed is demanding to be loved.” I think about it a lot.
“I must regain the upper hand against the people I laid off without severance and left without healthcare”
Reposted byAvatar Cassarollagirl
You’d never think anything starting with “Mutant wolves roaming the deserted streets of Chernobyl” would have a positive ending, but here we are.
Reposted byAvatar Cassarollagirl
Just gonna say this again — journalism doesn’t need more journalists. It needs more journalism jobs. If you’re rich and want to help journalism, buy a bunch of alt weeklies, set up a trust, and fund them indefinitely.
Reposted byAvatar Cassarollagirl
Editor: We need a drawing of a young Tarzan reading a bunch of books. Burne Hogarth: I got you, bro.
Reposted byAvatar Cassarollagirl
fucking amazing that the only person in US politics who can say no to Elmo is also the only person worse than him
Reposted byAvatar Cassarollagirl
I cracked the code. Told my boomer dad that having motion smoothing on his TV 'makes it work twice as hard' and will 'wear it out faster' and now hes obsessed with making sure its off.
Reposted byAvatar Cassarollagirl
I think I can say with a clean conscience I’m not a shameless biden shill but to me the main reason you vote for him is the opportunity to vote for somebody better in 2028 will not exist if he loses
Reposted byAvatar Cassarollagirl
It is kind of funny that the main way Elon is actually like Thomas Edison is that he managed to unfairly ruin the name of Nikola Tesla
Reposted byAvatar Cassarollagirl
gonna print this out and replace my child’s artwork on the fridge
Reposted byAvatar Cassarollagirl
Reposted byAvatar Cassarollagirl
My new favorite account!
Commander Riker, Are you aware that there is an Orion pornographic holodeck program that features you as one of the performers? Worf