
Reuters has unearthed a US military-led ant-vax campaign that targeted Filipinos using sock puppet accounts. Incredible reporting from
This is truly appalling stuff.
Reuters reports after Meta detected the psyop the Pentagon asked Meta not to take down the posts. Meta went to the Biden White House after inauguration & the Pentagon was finally ordered to stop. Oddly, it seems to have continued anyway. Worth reading this entire piece:
And here's the kicker.
What else have they done, or are they currently doing? So many have given up on protecting themselves and others.
Cat’s out of the bag. Won’t stay secret long.
I can't quite trust Meta on this, though. It was a struggle to get them pulling *most* AV propaganda for a good portion of the pandemic. They've also got a long record of refusing to shut down the AV groups if they're paying for advertisements.
Since the Biden admin’s NSC was appalled at learning of the psyop, I’m guessing it’s safe to assume it was continued by Trump holdovers.
All points to US fear of Chinese success. Just like the ban on TikTok & the coming bans on DJI Drones & BYD EV's. The USA is as afraid of the Chinese as white suburban people were of black people in the 80's. #OnTheWayUp.
You missed the part where 34-count felon Donald Trump encouraged pharmaceutical companies to sell the vaccines to foreign nations at a premium for profit, and then lost political ground to the Chinese aid efforts which were competing with them in those same areas.
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Welcome to conservative politics.
No one will ever be held accountable for this. In fact there will be promotions all around for doing a good job. That's how it works.
it's been a long time since a news item floored me like this, jfc
Bureaucracy moves slow to fix things, but you can squarely blame the Trump administration for this one, and praise the Biden administration for shutting it down.
This makes me wonder whether r/chinavirus, r/wuhan_flu, and etc were also US Govt propaganda efforts.
According to the article they were, starting back as early as 2019 as PR spin in response to China's claim that the virus may have first started in Fort Detrick, Maryland. That claim has since been discredited by almost all mainstream scientists, but remains popular with some conspiracy theorists.
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I’m talking about specific subreddits on Reddit which were involved in promoting sinophobia to an anglosphere audience, heavily US, operated by people who had been connected to other animus-motivated propaganda efforts on Reddit. The article doesn’t touch on Reddit.
My investigations through the mid-to-late 2010’s turned up a lot of information about how the Trump campaign was heavily involved in stoking hatred propaganda on Reddit; Finding evidence that the Trump /administration/ used Reddit to disseminate hatred to domestic US audiences via Reddit would be …
Well, it would be groundbreaking.
The move to Truth Social may have actually helped things out there, since people on that platform are far more open about their allegiance than on other social media platforms. If you're signed up, you're most likely pro-Trump. Even more so now that you can buy into a stake of the company too.
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This is absolutely horrifying. I assume absolutely no one will be held to account for it.
It sounds like what they're saying is that the whole anti-vax movement was a psyop started by 34-count felon Donald Trump's government that got out of hand.
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Fuuuuucccck! Political shenanigans literally killing people (well more than usual)
That's like a terrible Mad Libs