Decker Eveleth

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Decker Eveleth

PRC and DPRK strategic forces analyst with CNA.
The weird thing about repeated suggestions that we roll back commitments to Ukraine is that we've actually been pretty successful at managing escalation so far? There isn't any strong evidence that a change in policy is needed?
I am going to go have a delicious negroni and throw my phone into my garbage disposal, and I heartily encourage you all to do the same.
I have this calorie tracker on my phone that tells me how many cheeseburgers I burned off after every workout and the only thing it succeeds in doing is making me want to eat more cheeseburgers
One of the exciting things about DC is that there are no mediocre burgers here. The burgers are either delicious or borderline inedible.
Reposted byAvatar Decker Eveleth
SIGINT #8527 from RASR-2 (L CLEARANCE) 1. Pool of Unnameable Prophecies 2. Hallelujah Covers Launch Pads 3. Grimdark Cuttlefishes
This really only makes even a bit of sense when you factor in what an immensely disproportionate level of cultural power Ivys have in the American public conception of leftism and how the US should respond to leftism
Forgot to post here that I've joined the Center for Naval Analyses as an associate research analyst and will soon be relocating to the DMV.
I know we like to joke about how we would all desperately avoid an interview request from Isaac Chotiner but the key I feel is to never do anything that would cause Isaac Chotiner to ask you for an interview
Fallen London is possibly the funniest game this could have happened to
i used to play Fallen London a lot & apparently there was a big bug today where a bunch of people accidentally loaded a developer-only page, which even on the page says "players should never see this, don't click any of these buttons because it can break your account" and of course they all clicked
Dune: The Musical, Orchestrated by Steely Dan, with such hits as "Chani Don't Lose that Number," "Doctor Yueh," "Bad Stillsuit," and of course, "Kid Charlemagne (totally unedited)"
This patt'rn of damageth of surviving soldi'rs shows locations wh're those gents can sustain damageth and still returneth home. If 't be true the soldi'r wast armeth'r'd in the most commonly hitteth areas, this wouldst beest a result of surviv'rship bias
Yeah so how about that AI-assisted TEL finding satellites, huh?
How did the anti-nuclear movement fall so quickly and so catastrophically? How did we go from Prague Speech to open mockery of the Bulletin and all the catastrophic risk funding getting funneled into studying the consequences of a technology that can't even tell me what a dog is?
My casual assessment the difficulty a lot of old guard academics have in assessing the current security situation with Russia is that many of them seem to believe it is still 1994.
You might be lucky enough to see the incoming RV shockwave
"The missiles could be on their way at any moment and you won't know until the blinding white flash"
Was buying a bottle of's strongest bespoke ultracoffee a good idea? No. It was an excellent idea.
"Have you ever heard the tragedy of Tsar Vasili IV the Wise? I thought not. Its not a story NATO would tell you"
You guys understand that Grant's warfare theories worked because the Union had the manpower advantage, right? You get that's why his attrition strategy worked? Right?
for a brief time we had a repository of common information at hand, a way to dig media out of storehouses and cross-reference data from different sources. but today, google is a website that lies to you about dogs
Is there a word for anti-excitement? Because that's what I feel when I watch the Judas trailer
Man I love the Word Bearers but sometimes painting them makes me want to die
When your PhD advisor starts talking like Sephiroth
I’m not the main character, but I’m the one pulling all the strings and driving the plot that has inevitably ensnared you. In the beginning, you thought of me as a mentor. Only now do you realize the scope of my terrible design.
I've argued before that "we shouldn't pursue strategic level missile defenses because they don't work" is a TERRIBLE argument before, because we're getting to the point where they probably work enough to be moderately effective.
The overarching tragedy of Disco Elysium having the thesis "people can be good or bad regardless of their ideology and strict adherence to a specific ideology leads you down some very bad paths" is that this thesis is most likely to be missed by ideologues.
There is not "Middle East policy." There are a series of short time horizon decisions made by policymakers in response to domestic political imperatives. The fact that this has been so heavily telegraphed should be taken as an indication of that.
Can someone make a North Korean version of Down Periscope when an incompetent North Korean captain tries to get to the West Coast with a Sinpo-Class sub that's falling apart?
Would be very curious to know what sort of lessons the DPRK is taking from the Ukraine War. We can only guess, but I imagine Russian failures and the performance of US weapons would give them serious pause.
When I realize that I've started enjoying Iron Banner