Dan Shay (he/him)

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Dan Shay (he/him)


Father, husband, attorney.
This. Fight because it's the right thing to do. Fight because if you don't, who will? Fight because someone must stand against the darkness. Be true. Stand.
Fight against daunting odds, because it’s the right thing to do, and because sometimes you win.
Don't believe what the GOP says. This is their plan. This is what they want and will do, because there'll be nothing to stop them.
Stephen Miller now following Trump's lead and saying he has nothing to do with Project 2025. 1. His organization is on the Project 2025 advisory board. 2. He recorded a video as part of Project 2025 training tools 3. You can see Mandate for Leadership, the Project 2025 publication in the background
My latest. Project 2025 advances an extreme MAGA agenda that is fiercely isolationist, xenophobic and disdainful of democratic norms. It demonizes intellectuals, dismisses experts and idolizes charismatic strongmen. www.democracydocket.com/opinion/how-...
How the Supreme Court Bolstered Project 2025www.democracydocket.com From Marc | The Supreme Court has recently become a witting or unwitting facilitator of Project 2025’s dystopian agenda for the future.
Don't ever let someone tell you that your vote doesn't matter and can't change anything. These four races I was involved in all took place in SEPA in the past decade; there are many more all over the country, every year.
Fuck the polls. Fuck the chatter. Go knock doors.
today's casual reminder to journalists that the US Congress does not actually certify whether or not the Electoral College certificates are valid - that is done, as it should be, by archivists at National Archives - Congress' role is merely to count the already-certified certificates - that's it
The Electoral Collegewww.archives.gov It's a Process, not a Place The Electoral College is how we refer to the process by which the United States elects the President, even though that term does not appear in the U.S. Constitution. In
I can't remember a tech campaign this relentless.
Think I'm done with the other place. I've maintained an account mostly just to lurk, but it just got locked for "violent speech" for the following post: "Spare yourself. Moonraker is one of the goofiest of the Moore-era Bonds, and that's saying something." Meanwhile, Elon's cool with actual Nazis.
It's way past time to stop pretending Trump has some complex position on abortion—and if Trump courting a group that describes abortion as "63 million babies [that] have died on our nation’s altar to ‘women’s rights'" I don't know what else some of these political reporters need. My story:
No One Should Be Confused About Where Trump Stands on Abortionnewrepublic.com Trump’s remarks to a Christian-right audience on Monday may contradict the reigning political narrative. But they weren’t surprising.
Photograph: Ben Stansall/AFP/Getty Images. In case anyone was wondering who took the photograph which is popping up everywhere uncredited.
Happy (Orthodox) Star Wars Day to all who observe. May the Force be with you.
Read the thread. Then go mobilize to stop this. Volunteer, get involved, make connections with likeminded people in your community. Knock doors, phone bank, donate, do whatever you can to prevent them taking control.
This is key: The people behind “Project 2025” understand that MAGA world - and the radical Right more broadly - wasn’t ready during Trump’s first presidency. They didn’t have the plans or the personnel to bend the state to their will and harness its powers. In 2025, they will be. Some thoughts: 1/
Today I learned that Bsky has advanced muting features like that other place does. I hadn't realized this before. Time to start pruning crap I never, ever want to hear about again. First on the list? Ben Shapiro.
The idea that prosecuting Trump or holding him accountable in any substantive way “crosses a dangerous line” is preposterous. Trump crossed the line after the last election. The question ever since has been whether or not anyone will enforce consequences for that line-crossing. 2/
Finished True Detective Season 4. Satisfying resolution that fit the reality of the world built thru the series. Terrific performances across the board. The scenery, like the show overall, was at times bleak, but also beautiful. Loved it. Looking forward to S5, @issalopez.bsky.social.
Finally getting around to watching True Detective Night Country and really digging it so far. Got a kick out of the Faith No More reference in Ep. 2.
a helpful flow chart for those following the words of david bowie in modern love
Yes, this brings the CDC guidelines for COVID into line with guidelines for RSV and influenza. It's not just that is COVID more severe. The guidelines for RSV and influenza are not right either. We need universal paid sick leave, not permission to return to work while still contagious.
C.D.C. Considers Ending 5-Day Isolation Period for Covidwww.nytimes.com Americans may be advised that it’s safe to return to regular routines after one day without a fever.
Sure, sure, Die Hard is a Christmas movie. Hot take there. But everyone seems to forget that Die Hard 2: Die Harder is *also* a Christmas movie.
Pretty successful Halloween this year. The kid had a great time, I broke out my old Indiana Jones costume (parents got it, kids didn't), and we gave out about 1200 pieces of candy.
Ok, gradually getting this profile up and running. Also realizing I don't actually have many pictures of myself...
End of feed.