
Fight against daunting odds, because it’s the right thing to do, and because sometimes you win.
BREAKING NEWS: Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which instead came in third in initial results as polling stations closed.
Projections in France's election show voters rejecting the far Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which ...
To quote another person on here after Poland’s election (can’t remember who immediately): “the thing about just voting harder is that sometimes it fucking works”
The thing is that it ALWAYS works if enough people ignore the people disparaging voting!
“Disparaging voting” sounds so utterly authoritarian
It kind of is but they wouldn’t see it that way.
A lesson for that fight
Fuck ‘em uuuuup! ✊
It helps when the media and traditional parties don't help the extremists reach power ...
Sounds like rationalizing not voting. The media and traditional parties aren't responsible for a person's choice not to vote. "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."
French television did a lot of "nooo scary leftists, you don't know what they'll do!" the past few weeks though.
That's what we mean by "vote harder"... Friends that hadn't voted since Chirac-Le Pen got off their asses and voted.
Yep. And that's exactly what we're gonna do! Hell, the odds aren't even that daunting here, whatever the doomers tell you. Incumbent president against a toxic, widely loathed challenger? Representing a party that's openly embracing extremist madness? Hell, sign me up.
Yep. Vote in Biden. What have you got to lose? If he dies in office, you get Harris. Who is also immensely qualified for the job.
France’s Left is no bed of roses (some factions refused to condemn 10/7). And the French still preferred them to Le Pen. Says a lot.
They know that the coalition is unlikely to do anything after, Le Pen would remake the country into a facist dictatorship.
They refused to condemn 10/7? Cool, based.
Love to see other countries' polls also be dead fucking wrong about how strong the fash parties are.
No one has satisfactorily answered the "how do you adjust for the kind of people who are more likely to answer a poll" question. Feel like the 'talent base' of poll respondents has gone off a cliff, and media is so entrenched in their ways they don't realize they're publishing unreliable trash.
I think a lot of pollsters fully realize, but that doesn't mean anyone knows how to fix it. It's a hard problem, that probably doesn't have a solution on the modeling side. (The actual solution, of course, is "make spam calls meaningfully illegal and wait ten years", but that won't help now.)
Right but understanding the problem and then still publishing results without massively increasing your error bars or caveating the sampling bias is a statistical faux pas.
Oh, absolutely. It's super hard to admit (especially to yourself) that the field of study you've dedicated your life to is fundamentally broken, though.
Yep, even though that's one of the core tenets of statistical analysis. Can't really fault them, they need to feed their families too.
A lot of people (like me) just don't answer phone calls from numbers they don't recognize. I don't know if those people tend to skew politically.
They almost certainly skew younger and by correlation skew left leaning, I'd think.
I've tried giving "answering the phone" a shot in the last few weeks (I'm in Ohio, so there's somewhat better odds that it's a pollster) but every single one I've caught has been an attempt at Medicare fraud and nobody leaves messages. I'm pretty much done, at least until October.
That's exactly it. They're using obsolete methodology while pretending another has changed.
So wishing for an equal coalition of the left, liberals and centrists for this general election in November.
French can make anything sound romantic.
Comme c'est curieux, comme c'est bizarre et quelle coïncidence ...
No matter what the media sycophants say, people really hate fascism. They hate bullies and assholes when they see them in their daily lives, and they recognize political parties full of them
THE sentence of the day: A Macronist incumbent in the Marseille region came in 3rd in her seat. She just dropped out to support the left. She said, about why she's maneuvering to block the far-right: "Defeats happen, but you can never recover from dishonor."
And politicians who were willing to work together & make sacrifices for the good of the country. I sure wish the Canadian left would take a lesson from this.
You assume that the Liberals are "left" - they hate the NDP more than they hate the Cons.
Yet the cons are complaining constantly about the Trudeau taking the party further & further left & the cooperation agreement with NDP. The Libs have a lot more in common with the NDP than they do with the cons. I would far rather see a Lib gov't with an NDP loyal opposition.
The Cons are masters at media manipulation and they've been claiming that the Libs are "left" forever. But honestly, the Libs and Cons are pretty similar (not the SAME, but tolerable to the moneyed classes). Voting red is a vote for light conservative policies, not progressive policies.
I should add that I am 73 & voted NDP my entire life - until last year when for the first time I live in a Lib riding & voted Lib in a byelection. I never hated Libs but now I just hate all the parties.
Sorry but I do not see that they are the same at all.
Liberals hate the NDP so much, they actually sat down with them to work out a pharmacare legislation. It chills the spine.
Take heed UK, Nazi scum like Farage/ Yaksley Lennon and rest of their vile fascist scumbags need treating with the contempt they deserve. Let's not give these fuckers room to breath and spread their vile message.
Nazis since trump are a real problem world wide
Yeah, Russia has been supporting far-right (and sometimes far-left if they are disruptive enough) movements around the world, especially in Western bloc states, because they see international cooperation as a strong check on their ambitions.
2016 in the US was a symptom more than a cause - Le Pen came in second in the mid-2017 election, and even in her first run for president (2011) she did better than her father had a decade prior. And that's despite a 2014 conviction for electoral fraud and open praise from Vladimir Zhirinovsky.
It's still the same old story A fight for love and glory A case of do or die.
To quote the philosopher Jean Luc Picard, "If we are to be damned, let us be damned for who we are."
If we are going to go down we should go down fighting.